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# 20英语词汇学习的唯一有效途径阅读、阅读、阅读
之前两节我们一起粗略阅读了[Breaking through Three Common Engineering Myths](这篇文章了解了这篇文章的中心思想和篇章结构。今天我们截取这篇文章的第一部分Engineers Dont Have Good Communication Skills这两段来专门讲一讲词汇学习的问题。
## 词汇学习的总体原则和方法
## 常用词典推荐
### 1.相对偏美式的英语词典
* [](或[](
* [](
### 2.相对偏英式的英语词典
* [](
* [](
* [](
* [](
### 3.其他词典
* [\_Page](
* [](
* [](
## 课前朗读
> This myth **goes with** the belief that most engineers are **introverts**, and the corresponding belief that introverts are bad **communicators**. The truth is, both introverts and **extroverts** can be fantastic communicators, as these skills can be learned and developed over time. Some of my favorite people to listen and talk to in the entire world are introverts. Perhaps most famously in recent years, **Susan Cain** is developing what she calls the “Quiet Revolution” to help the world recognize the power of introverts in such a noisy world. As an introvert, she has overcome massive anxiety around public speaking to become a **prolific** speaker. In the engineering world, you can look to great leaders like Bill Gates (Microsoft), Steve Wozniak (Apple), and Larry Page (Google).
> The natural behavioral types of introvert vs. extrovert have nothing to do with actual ability to communicate, but rather identify how people gain energy from interpersonal interaction (and where they exist on the **spectrum**). Humans are naturally **social beings** and we feel **purpose** as we develop connections with others. Thus, developing **an array of** communication skills is necessary for everyone to be happy and healthy.
## 知识讲解
### 1.go with (something)
以前我们在阅读过程中一看到go、with这些非常熟悉的词往往就会把这些词组漏过去。现在你去查一下词典可以发现go with有三四个不同的意思一般我们只需要重点记最常用的意思就可以不常用的排在最后面的、或者词典上注明old-fashioned或informal的了解一下就好。
**最常用的意思是“共存、伴随”表示“和…一起存在”“和…相随而生”英文的解释是be part of和exist together。** 我们来看几个例句。
例句The house goes with the job.
例句Ill health often goes with poverty.
例句What are the responsibilities that goes with becoming a father?
**第二个常用的意思是“相得益彰”,表示“和…相配”,英文的解释是 suit each other or look or taste good together。**我们还是来看两个例句。
例句This wine goes particularly well with seafood.
例句The music doesnt go with the mood of the film.
### 2.introvert vs. extrovert
* introvert: someone who is quiet and shy, and does not enjoy being with other people
* extrovert: someone who is active and confident, and who enjoys spending time with other people
例如introvert词条下有一个[同义词链接](小标题是“People who are shy or prefer to be alone”。这里面罗列了所有表示同样意思的单词或短语。
extrovert词条下也一样有一个[同义词链接](小标题是“People who are confident, boastful or arrogant”同样也罗列了所有同样或意思相近的单词或短语。如果有兴趣的话你可以尝试阅读一下看看这是不是适合自己的学习方法。
### 3.communicator
查阅朗文词典你会发现无论是查communicate还是communicator单词下面都会有一个黄色的小框提示“Word family”这个“单词家族”的标签后面会罗列所有相关的词汇包括
* 名词 (noun) communication communicator
* 形容词 (adjective) communicative ≠ uncommunicative
* 动词 (verb) communicate
对于不熟悉的家族成员我们需要通过英文解释和例句去深入了解它们熟悉其用法。例如多读几个例句之后我们会知道communicator本身是中性词只是表示一个在说话交流的人如果要说一个人“善于沟通”“有说服力”等可以在前面加上形容词说某人是个good/skilled/convincing/persuasive/compelling/effective communicator。同样道理如果说某人“不善沟通”可以说他是个poor communicator。你可以看下面这个例句。
例句Many employees complain that their bosses are poor communicators and bad at giving clear instructions.
由动词变来的形容词最基本的含义一般都和这个动作有关communicative有两个含义。第一条解释是able to talk easily to other people是“乐意沟通、愿意交流”的意思。第二条解释是relating to the ability to communicate, especially in a foreign language是“和语言沟通能力有关的特别指外语沟通能力有关的”。词典会同时提示communicative的反义词是uncommunicative。
查阅词典后我们可以发现这个词一般是贬义的。我们来看一段英文解释If you describe someone as uncommunicative, you are critical of them because they do not talk to other people very much and are unwilling to express opinions or give information.
例句He emphasized that managers had to be more communicative with their staff.
例句The test evaluates students communicative skills.
例句My daughter is very difficult, uncommunicative and moody.
### 4.Susan Cain
通过搜索我们会知道苏珊·凯恩Susan Cain毕业于普林斯顿大学和哈佛大学的法学院曾经是一位出色的律师后来成为一名社会活动家创立了一个叫做“安静的革命”[Quiet Revolution](的社会运动她的著作《安静的力量内向孩子的秘密力量》Quiet Power: The Secret Strengths of Introverted Kids和《安静内向者在一个滔滔不绝的世界中的力量》Quiet: The Power of Introverts in A World That Cant Stop Talking畅销不衰。这些信息都足以让我们更加深入地去了解一个人和她的思想。
## 小结
## 课后作业
> **Myth: Engineers Dont Make “Natural” Leaders**
> This myth follows an even more **generalized** myth that leaders are **born**, **not made**. Research on leadership development suggests that this simply is not true, and in fact 70 percent of leadership ability is the result of lessons learned through life experiences.
> A foundational concept of leadership development is often referred to as “leadership **readiness**.” It is a belief inside someone that they are truly ready, willing, and able to become a leader. People who believe this about themselves can develop much more quickly, and this isnt surprising. This idea is very much in-line with other research done by **Carol Dweck** about having **a “growth” mindset versus a “fixed” mindset** so that we believe we can continue to develop and change throughout our lives.
> **Assess Your Strengths**
> One of the ways to discover that we are capable of leadership is to identify the strengths that we have and find ways to utilize them. There are a lot of free and paid assessments out there, such as CliftonStrengths by Gallup to help you do this, but a very simple approach is to ask people who know you well.
> Go ahead ask the ten people in your life who know you better than anyone else what they think your top three personal strengths are. Likely, you will agree with a lot of what they say. They may also share with you things that you dont currently believe about yourself, but because others are suggesting it, you may start to believe a little bit more.
> **Crushing Limiting Belief Activity**: This may seem a bit weird, but stay with me. Take about five minutes and jot down a quick list of what you consider to be your weaknesses. Then grab a piece of paper or note card and write down each of those “weaknesses” that you identified that is actually a limiting belief. Take that paper with the list of limiting beliefs and rip it up. Throw it into the air. Make a mess. Show those beliefs you dont accept them. For example, my weakness might be that I tend to suppress my emotions which can lead to less connection in my relationships. A limiting belief I used to accept was that I was not a good writer. You may or may not agree with that, but at least I am pushing through and practicing my skills! I would write that on a note card and rip it up. I promise, it feels good.
> **Look Inside**
> The fact of the matter is that people rarely make huge changes in their lives, but people do change. It happens when we can increase self-awareness and have “ah-ha” moments or epiphanies that help us see ourselves and our situations in a new light. Thats really how we change our mindsets, which then drives our behaviors in new ways.
> Ive seen people who were so bent on blaming others that they became so toxic and were about to be fired. Yet they were able to create just enough space to realize they were part of the problem and began focusing on what they could change, rather than blaming everyone else. Its transformational.
> **Mindset Adjustment Activity**: Identify the largest work challenge you are facing right now. Write down what you think the root cause of the problem is. Then, write down 2-3 things you can do personally to make things better (this is not about you taking action to fix other people focus on you). Then, stay focused on your own ability to help the cause rather than what others are/arent doing.