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namespace app\admin\controller;
use app\admin\model\Module as ModuleModel;
use app\admin\model\Plugin as PluginModel;
use app\admin\model\Menu as MenuModel;
use app\admin\model\Action as ActionModel;
use think\facade\Cache;
use util\Database;
use util\Sql;
use util\File;
use util\PHPZip;
use util\Tree;
use think\Db;
use think\facade\Hook;
use think\facade\Env;
* 模块管理控制器
* @package app\admin\controller
class Module extends Admin
* 模块首页
* @param string $group 分组
* @param string $type 显示类型
* @author 蔡伟明 <>
* @return mixed
public function index($group = 'local', $type = '')
// 配置分组信息
$list_group = ['local' => '本地模块'];
$tab_list = [];
foreach ($list_group as $key => $value) {
$tab_list[$key]['title'] = $value;
$tab_list[$key]['url'] = url('index', ['group' => $key]);
// 监听tab钩子
Hook::listen('module_index_tab_list', $tab_list);
switch ($group) {
case 'local':
// 查询条件
$keyword = $this->request->get('keyword', '');
if (input('?param.status') && input('param.status') != '_all') {
$status = input('param.status');
} else {
$status = '';
$ModuleModel = new ModuleModel();
$result = $ModuleModel->getAll($keyword, $status);
if ($result['modules'] === false) {
$type_show = Cache::get('module_type_show');
$type_show = $type != '' ? $type : ($type_show == false ? 'block' : $type_show);
Cache::set('module_type_show', $type_show);
$type = $type_show == 'block' ? 'list' : 'block';
$this->assign('page_title', '模块管理');
$this->assign('modules', $result['modules']);
$this->assign('total', $result['total']);
$this->assign('tab_nav', ['tab_list' => $tab_list, 'curr_tab' => $group]);
$this->assign('type', $type);
return $this->fetch();
case 'online':
return '<h2>正在建设中...</h2>';
* 安装模块
* @param string $name 模块标识
* @param int $confirm 是否确认
* @author 蔡伟明 <>
* @throws \think\Exception
* @throws \think\exception\PDOException
public function install($name = '', $confirm = 0)
// 设置最大执行时间和内存大小
ini_set('max_execution_time', '0');
ini_set('memory_limit', '1024M');
if ($name == '') $this->error('模块不存在!');
if ($name == 'admin' || $name == 'user') $this->error('禁止操作系统核心模块!');
// 模块配置信息
$module_info = ModuleModel::getInfoFromFile($name);
if ($confirm == 0) {
$need_module = [];
$need_plugin = [];
$table_check = [];
// 检查模块依赖
if (isset($module_info['need_module']) && !empty($module_info['need_module'])) {
$need_module = $this->checkDependence('module', $module_info['need_module']);
// 检查插件依赖
if (isset($module_info['need_plugin']) && !empty($module_info['need_plugin'])) {
$need_plugin = $this->checkDependence('plugin', $module_info['need_plugin']);
// 检查数据表
if (isset($module_info['tables']) && !empty($module_info['tables'])) {
foreach ($module_info['tables'] as $table) {
if (Db::query("SHOW TABLES LIKE '".config('database.prefix')."{$table}'")) {
$table_check[] = [
'table' => config('database.prefix')."{$table}",
'result' => '<span class="text-danger">存在同名</span>'
} else {
$table_check[] = [
'table' => config('database.prefix')."{$table}",
'result' => '<i class="fa fa-check text-success"></i>'
$this->assign('need_module', $need_module);
$this->assign('need_plugin', $need_plugin);
$this->assign('table_check', $table_check);
$this->assign('name', $name);
$this->assign('page_title', '安装模块:'. $name);
return $this->fetch();
// 执行安装文件
$install_file = realpath(Env::get('app_path').$name.'/install.php');
if (file_exists($install_file)) {
// 执行安装模块sql文件
$sql_file = realpath(Env::get('app_path').$name.'/sql/install.sql');
if (file_exists($sql_file)) {
if (isset($module_info['database_prefix']) && !empty($module_info['database_prefix'])) {
$sql_statement = Sql::getSqlFromFile($sql_file, false, [$module_info['database_prefix'] => config('database.prefix')]);
} else {
$sql_statement = Sql::getSqlFromFile($sql_file);
if (!empty($sql_statement)) {
foreach ($sql_statement as $value) {
}catch(\Exception $e){
// 添加菜单
$menus = ModuleModel::getMenusFromFile($name);
if (is_array($menus) && !empty($menus)) {
if (false === $this->addMenus($menus, $name)) {
// 检查是否有模块设置信息
if (isset($module_info['config']) && !empty($module_info['config'])) {
$module_info['config'] = json_encode(parse_config($module_info['config']));
// 检查是否有模块授权配置
if (isset($module_info['access']) && !empty($module_info['access'])) {
$module_info['access'] = json_encode($module_info['access']);
// 检查是否有行为规则
if (isset($module_info['action']) && !empty($module_info['action'])) {
$ActionModel = new ActionModel;
if (!$ActionModel->saveAll($module_info['action'])) {
MenuModel::where('module', $name)->delete();
// 将模块信息写入数据库
$ModuleModel = new ModuleModel($module_info);
$allowField = ['name','title','icon','description','author','author_url','config','access','version','identifier','status'];
if ($ModuleModel->allowField($allowField)->save()) {
// 复制静态资源目录
File::copy_dir(Env::get('app_path'). $name. '/public', Env::get('root_path'). 'public');
// 删除静态资源目录
File::del_dir(Env::get('app_path'). $name. '/public');
cache('modules', null);
cache('module_all', null);
// 记录行为
action_log('module_install', 'admin_module', 0, UID, $module_info['title']);
$this->success('模块安装成功', 'index');
} else {
MenuModel::where('module', $name)->delete();
* 卸载模块
* @param string $name 模块名
* @param int $confirm 是否确认
* @author 蔡伟明 <>
* @return mixed
* @throws \think\Exception
* @throws \think\exception\PDOException
public function uninstall($name = '', $confirm = 0)
if ($name == '') $this->error('模块不存在!');
if ($name == 'admin') $this->error('禁止操作系统模块!');
// 模块配置信息
$module_info = ModuleModel::getInfoFromFile($name);
if ($confirm == 0) {
$this->assign('name', $name);
$this->assign('page_title', '卸载模块:'. $name);
return $this->fetch();
// 执行卸载文件
$uninstall_file = realpath(Env::get('app_path').$name.'/uninstall.php');
if (file_exists($uninstall_file)) {
// 执行卸载模块sql文件
$clear = $this->request->get('clear');
if ($clear == 1) {
$sql_file = realpath(Env::get('app_path').$name.'/sql/uninstall.sql');
if (file_exists($sql_file)) {
if (isset($module_info['database_prefix']) && !empty($module_info['database_prefix'])) {
$sql_statement = Sql::getSqlFromFile($sql_file, false, [$module_info['database_prefix'] => config('database.prefix')]);
} else {
$sql_statement = Sql::getSqlFromFile($sql_file);
if (!empty($sql_statement)) {
foreach ($sql_statement as $sql) {
}catch(\Exception $e){
// 删除菜单
if (false === MenuModel::where('module', $name)->delete()) {
// 删除授权信息
if (false === Db::name('admin_access')->where('module', $name)->delete()) {
// 删除行为规则
if (false === Db::name('admin_action')->where('module', $name)->delete()) {
// 删除模块信息
if (ModuleModel::where('name', $name)->delete()) {
// 复制静态资源目录
File::copy_dir(Env::get('root_path'). 'public/static/'. $name, Env::get('app_path').$name.'/public/static/'. $name);
// 删除静态资源目录
File::del_dir(Env::get('root_path'). 'public/static/'. $name);
cache('modules', null);
cache('module_all', null);
// 记录行为
action_log('module_uninstall', 'admin_module', 0, UID, $module_info['title']);
$this->success('模块卸载成功', 'index');
} else {
* 更新模块配置
* @param string $name 模块名
* @author 蔡伟明 <>
public function update($name = '')
$name == '' && $this->error('缺少模块名!');
$Module = ModuleModel::get(['name' => $name]);
!$Module && $this->error('模块不存在,或未安装');
// 模块配置信息
$module_info = ModuleModel::getInfoFromFile($name);
// 检查是否有模块设置信息
if (isset($module_info['config']) && !empty($module_info['config'])) {
$module_info['config'] = json_encode(parse_config($module_info['config']));
} else {
$module_info['config'] = '';
// 检查是否有模块授权配置
if (isset($module_info['access']) && !empty($module_info['access'])) {
$module_info['access'] = json_encode($module_info['access']);
} else {
$module_info['access'] = '';
// 更新模块信息
if (false !== $Module->save($module_info)) {
} else {
* 导出模块
* @param string $name 模块名
* @author 蔡伟明 <>
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
* @throws \think\exception\DbException
public function export($name = '')
if ($name == '') $this->error('缺少模块名');
$export_data = $this->request->get('export_data', '');
if ($export_data == '') {
$this->assign('page_title', '导出模块:'. $name);
return $this->fetch();
// 模块导出目录
$module_dir = Env::get('root_path'). 'export/module/'. $name;
// 删除旧的导出数据
if (is_dir($module_dir)) {
// 复制模块目录到导出目录
File::copy_dir(Env::get('app_path'). $name, $module_dir);
// 复制静态资源目录
File::copy_dir(Env::get('root_path'). 'public/static/'. $name, $module_dir.'/public/static/'. $name);
// 模块本地配置信息
$module_info = ModuleModel::getInfoFromFile($name);
// 检查是否有模块设置信息
if (isset($module_info['config'])) {
$db_config = ModuleModel::where('name', $name)->value('config');
$db_config = json_decode($db_config, true);
// 获取最新的模块设置信息
$module_info['config'] = set_config_value($module_info['config'], $db_config);
// 检查是否有模块行为信息
$action = Db::name('admin_action')->where('module', $name)->field('module,name,title,remark,rule,log,status')->select();
if ($action) {
$module_info['action'] = $action;
// 表前缀
$module_info['database_prefix'] = config('database.prefix');
// 生成配置文件
if (false === $this->buildInfoFile($module_info, $name)) {
// 获取模型菜单并导出
$fields = 'id,pid,title,icon,url_type,url_value,url_target,online_hide,sort,status';
$menus = MenuModel::getMenusByGroup($name, $fields);
if (false === $this->buildMenuFile($menus, $name)) {
// 导出数据库表
if (isset($module_info['tables']) && !empty($module_info['tables'])) {
if (!is_dir($module_dir. '/sql')) {
mkdir($module_dir. '/sql', 644, true);
if (!Database::export($module_info['tables'], $module_dir. '/sql/install.sql', config('database.prefix'), $export_data)) {
if (!Database::exportUninstall($module_info['tables'], $module_dir. '/sql/uninstall.sql', config('database.prefix'))) {
// 记录行为
action_log('module_export', 'admin_module', 0, UID, $module_info['title']);
// 打包下载
$archive = new PHPZip;
return $archive->ZipAndDownload($module_dir, $name);
* 创建模块菜单文件
* @param array $menus 菜单
* @param string $name 模块名
* @author 蔡伟明 <>
* @return int
private function buildMenuFile($menus = [], $name = '')
$menus = Tree::toLayer($menus);
// 美化数组格式
$menus = var_export($menus, true);
$menus = preg_replace("/(\d+|'id'|'pid') =>(.*)/", '', $menus);
$menus = preg_replace("/'child' => (.*)(\r\n|\r|\n)\s*array/", "'child' => $1array", $menus);
$menus = str_replace(['array (', ')'], ['[', ']'], $menus);
$menus = preg_replace("/(\s*?\r?\n\s*?)+/", "\n", $menus);
$content = <<<INFO
* 菜单信息
return {$menus};
// 写入到文件
return file_put_contents(Env::get('root_path'). 'export/module/'. $name. '/menus.php', $content);
* 创建模块配置文件
* @param array $info 模块配置信息
* @param string $name 模块名
* @author 蔡伟明 <>
* @return int
private function buildInfoFile($info = [], $name = '')
// 美化数组格式
$info = var_export($info, true);
$info = preg_replace("/'(.*)' => (.*)(\r\n|\r|\n)\s*array/", "'$1' => array", $info);
$info = preg_replace("/(\d+) => (\s*)(\r\n|\r|\n)\s*array/", "array", $info);
$info = preg_replace("/(\d+ => )/", "", $info);
$info = preg_replace("/array \((\r\n|\r|\n)\s*\)/", "[)", $info);
$info = preg_replace("/array \(/", "[", $info);
$info = preg_replace("/\)/", "]", $info);
$content = <<<INFO
* 模块信息
return {$info};
// 写入到文件
return file_put_contents(Env::get('root_path'). 'export/module/'. $name. '/info.php', $content);
* 设置状态
* @param string $type 类型disable/enable
* @param array $record 行为日志内容
* @author 蔡伟明 <>
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
* @throws \think\exception\DbException
public function setStatus($type = '', $record = [])
$ids = input('param.ids');
empty($ids) && $this->error('缺少主键');
$module = ModuleModel::where('id', $ids)->find();
$module['system_module'] == 1 && $this->error('禁止操作系统内置模块');
$status = $type == 'enable' ? 1 : 0;
// 将模块对应的菜单禁用或启用
$map = [
'pid' => 0,
'module' => $module['name']
MenuModel::where($map)->setField('status', $status);
if (false !== ModuleModel::where('id', $ids)->setField('status', $status)) {
// 记录日志
call_user_func_array('action_log', ['module_'.$type, 'admin_module', 0, UID, $module['title']]);
} else {
* 禁用模块
* @param array $record 行为日志内容
* @author 蔡伟明 <>
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
* @throws \think\exception\DbException
public function disable($record = [])
* 启用模块
* @param array $record 行为日志内容
* @author 蔡伟明 <>
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
* @throws \think\exception\DbException
public function enable($record = [])
* 添加模型菜单
* @param array $menus 菜单
* @param string $module 模型名称
* @param int $pid 父级ID
* @author 蔡伟明 <>
* @return bool
private function addMenus($menus = [], $module = '', $pid = 0)
foreach ($menus as $menu) {
$data = [
'pid' => $pid,
'module' => $module,
'title' => $menu['title'],
'icon' => isset($menu['icon']) ? $menu['icon'] : 'fa fa-fw fa-puzzle-piece',
'url_type' => isset($menu['url_type']) ? $menu['url_type'] : 'module_admin',
'url_value' => isset($menu['url_value']) ? $menu['url_value'] : '',
'url_target' => isset($menu['url_target']) ? $menu['url_target'] : '_self',
'online_hide' => isset($menu['online_hide']) ? $menu['online_hide'] : 0,
'status' => isset($menu['status']) ? $menu['status'] : 1
$result = MenuModel::create($data);
if (!$result) return false;
if (isset($menu['child'])) {
$this->addMenus($menu['child'], $module, $result['id']);
return true;
* 检查依赖
* @param string $type 类型module/plugin
* @param array $data 检查数据
* @author 蔡伟明 <>
* @return array
private function checkDependence($type = '', $data = [])
$need = [];
foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
if (!isset($value[3])) {
$value[3] = '=';
// 当前版本
if ($type == 'module') {
$curr_version = ModuleModel::where('identifier', $value[1])->value('version');
} else {
$curr_version = PluginModel::where('identifier', $value[1])->value('version');
// 比对版本
$result = version_compare($curr_version, $value[2], $value[3]);
$need[$key] = [
$type => $value[0],
'identifier' => $value[1],
'version' => $curr_version ? $curr_version : '未安装',
'version_need' => $value[3].$value[2],
'result' => $result ? '<i class="fa fa-check text-success"></i>' : '<i class="fa fa-times text-danger"></i>'
return $need;