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namespace app\admin\controller;
use app\common\builder\ZBuilder;
use app\admin\model\Module as ModuleModel;
use app\admin\model\Menu as MenuModel;
use app\user\model\Role as RoleModel;
use think\facade\Cache;
* 节点管理
* @package app\admin\controller
class Menu extends Admin
* 节点首页
* @param string $group 分组
* @author 蔡伟明 <>
* @return mixed
* @throws \Exception
public function index($group = 'admin')
// 保存模块排序
if ($this->request->isPost()) {
$modules = $this->request->post('sort/a');
if ($modules) {
$data = [];
foreach ($modules as $key => $module) {
$data[] = [
'id' => $module,
'sort' => $key + 1
$MenuModel = new MenuModel();
if (false !== $MenuModel->saveAll($data)) {
} else {
cookie('__forward__', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
// 配置分组信息
$list_group = MenuModel::getGroup();
foreach ($list_group as $key => $value) {
$tab_list[$key]['title'] = $value;
$tab_list[$key]['url'] = url('index', ['group' => $key]);
// 模块排序
if ($group == 'module-sort') {
$map['status'] = 1;
$map['pid'] = 0;
$modules = MenuModel::where($map)->order('sort,id')->column('icon,title', 'id');
$this->assign('modules', $modules);
} else {
// 获取节点数据
$data_list = MenuModel::getMenusByGroup($group);
$max_level = $this->request->get('max', 0);
$this->assign('menus', $this->getNestMenu($data_list, $max_level));
$this->assign('tab_nav', ['tab_list' => $tab_list, 'curr_tab' => $group]);
$this->assign('page_title', '节点管理');
return $this->fetch();
* 新增节点
* @param string $module 所属模块
* @param string $pid 所属节点id
* @author 蔡伟明 <>
* @return mixed
* @throws \Exception
public function add($module = 'admin', $pid = '')
// 保存数据
if ($this->request->isPost()) {
$data = $this->request->post('', null, 'trim');
// 验证
$result = $this->validate($data, 'Menu');
// 验证失败 输出错误信息
if(true !== $result) $this->error($result);
// 顶部节点url检查
if ($data['pid'] == 0 && $data['url_value'] == '' && ($data['url_type'] == 'module_admin' || $data['url_type'] == 'module_home')) {
if ($menu = MenuModel::create($data)) {
// 自动创建子节点
if ($data['auto_create'] == 1 && !empty($data['child_node'])) {
$this->createChildNode($data, $menu['id']);
// 添加角色权限
if (isset($data['role'])) {
$this->setRoleMenu($menu['id'], $data['role']);
// 记录行为
$details = '所属模块('.$data['module'].'),所属节点ID('.$data['pid'].'),节点标题('.$data['title'].'),节点链接('.$data['url_value'].')';
action_log('menu_add', 'admin_menu', $menu['id'], UID, $details);
$this->success('新增成功', cookie('__forward__'));
} else {
// 使用ZBuilder快速创建表单
return ZBuilder::make('form')
->addLinkage('module', '所属模块', '', ModuleModel::getModule(), $module, url('ajax/getModuleMenus'), 'pid')
['select', 'pid', '所属节点', '所属上级节点', MenuModel::getMenuTree(0, '', $module), $pid],
['text', 'title', '节点标题'],
['radio', 'url_type', '链接类型', '', ['module_admin' => '模块链接(后台)', 'module_home' => '模块链接(前台)', 'link' => '普通链接'], 'module_admin']
->addText('params', '参数', '如a=1&b=2')
->addSelect('role', '角色', '除超级管理员外,拥有该节点权限的角色', RoleModel::where('id', 'neq', 1)->column('id,name'), '', 'multiple')
->addRadio('auto_create', '自动添加子节点', '选择【是】则自动添加指定的子节点', ['否', '是'], 0)
->addCheckbox('child_node', '子节点', '仅上面选项为【是】时起作用', ['add' => '新增', 'edit' => '编辑', 'delete' => '删除', 'enable' => '启用', 'disable' => '禁用', 'quickedit' => '快速编辑'], 'add,edit,delete,enable,disable,quickedit')
->addRadio('url_target', '打开方式', '', ['_self' => '当前窗口', '_blank' => '新窗口'], '_self')
->addIcon('icon', '图标', '导航图标')
->addRadio('online_hide', '网站上线后隐藏', '关闭开发模式后,则隐藏该菜单节点', ['否', '是'], 0)
->addText('sort', '排序', '', 100)
->setTrigger('auto_create', '1', 'child_node', false)
* 编辑节点
* @param int $id 节点ID
* @author 蔡伟明 <>
* @return mixed
* @throws \Exception
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
* @throws \think\exception\DbException
public function edit($id = 0)
if ($id === 0) $this->error('缺少参数');
// 保存数据
if ($this->request->isPost()) {
$data = $this->request->post('', null, 'trim');
// 验证
$result = $this->validate($data, 'Menu');
// 验证失败 输出错误信息
if(true !== $result) $this->error($result);
// 顶部节点url检查
if ($data['pid'] == 0 && $data['url_value'] == '' && ($data['url_type'] == 'module_admin' || $data['url_type'] == 'module_home')) {
// 设置角色权限
$this->setRoleMenu($data['id'], isset($data['role']) ? $data['role'] : []);
// 验证是否更改所属模块,如果是,则该节点的所有子孙节点的模块都要修改
$map['id'] = $data['id'];
$map['module'] = $data['module'];
if (!MenuModel::where($map)->find()) {
MenuModel::changeModule($data['id'], $data['module']);
if (MenuModel::update($data)) {
// 记录行为
$details = '节点ID('.$id.')';
action_log('menu_edit', 'admin_menu', $id, UID, $details);
$this->success('编辑成功', cookie('__forward__'));
} else {
// 获取数据
$info = MenuModel::get($id);
// 拥有该节点权限的角色
$info['role'] = RoleModel::getRoleWithMenu($id);
// 使用ZBuilder快速创建表单
return ZBuilder::make('form')
->addFormItem('hidden', 'id')
->addLinkage('module', '所属模块', '', ModuleModel::getModule(), '', url('ajax/getModuleMenus'), 'pid')
->addFormItem('select', 'pid', '所属节点', '所属上级节点', MenuModel::getMenuTree(0, '', $info['module']))
->addFormItem('text', 'title', '节点标题')
->addFormItem('radio', 'url_type', '链接类型', '', ['module_admin' => '模块链接(后台)', 'module_home' => '模块链接(前台)', 'link' => '普通链接'], 'module_admin')
->addText('params', '参数', '如a=1&b=2')
->addSelect('role', '角色', '除超级管理员外,拥有该节点权限的角色', RoleModel::where('id', 'neq', 1)->column('id,name'), '', 'multiple')
->addRadio('url_target', '打开方式', '', ['_self' => '当前窗口', '_blank' => '新窗口'], '_self')
->addIcon('icon', '图标', '导航图标')
->addRadio('online_hide', '网站上线后隐藏', '关闭开发模式后,则隐藏该菜单节点', ['否', '是'])
->addText('sort', '排序', '', 100)
* 设置角色权限
* @param string $role_id 角色id
* @param array $roles 角色id
* @author 蔡伟明 <>
* @throws \Exception
private function setRoleMenu($role_id = '', $roles = [])
$RoleModel = new RoleModel();
// 该节点的所有子节点,包括本身节点
$menu_child = MenuModel::getChildsId($role_id);
$menu_child[] = (int)$role_id;
// 该节点的所有上下级节点
$menu_all = MenuModel::getLinkIds($role_id);
$menu_all = array_map('strval', $menu_all);
if (!empty($roles)) {
// 拥有该节点的所有角色id及节点权限
$role_menu_auth = RoleModel::getRoleWithMenu($role_id, true);
// 已有该节点权限的角色id
$role_exists = array_keys($role_menu_auth);
// 新节点权限的角色
$role_new = $roles;
// 原有权限角色差集
$role_diff = array_diff($role_exists, $role_new);
// 新权限角色差集
$role_diff_new = array_diff($role_new, $role_exists);
// 新节点角色权限
$role_new_auth = RoleModel::getAuthWithRole($roles);
// 删除原先角色的该节点权限
if ($role_diff) {
$role_del_auth = [];
foreach ($role_diff as $role) {
$auth = json_decode($role_menu_auth[$role], true);
$auth_new = array_diff($auth, $menu_child);
$role_del_auth[] = [
'id' => $role,
'menu_auth' => array_values($auth_new)
if ($role_del_auth) {
// 新增权限角色
if ($role_diff_new) {
$role_update_auth = [];
foreach ($role_new_auth as $role => $auth) {
$auth = json_decode($auth, true);
if (in_array($role, $role_diff_new)) {
$auth = array_unique(array_merge($auth, $menu_all));
$role_update_auth[] = [
'id' => $role,
'menu_auth' => array_values($auth)
if ($role_update_auth) {
} else {
$role_menu_auth = RoleModel::getRoleWithMenu($role_id, true);
$role_del_auth = [];
foreach ($role_menu_auth as $role => $auth) {
$auth = json_decode($auth, true);
$auth_new = array_diff($auth, $menu_child);
$role_del_auth[] = [
'id' => $role,
'menu_auth' => array_values($auth_new)
if ($role_del_auth) {
* 删除节点
* @param array $record 行为日志内容
* @author 蔡伟明 <>
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
* @throws \think\exception\DbException
public function delete($record = [])
$id = $this->request->param('id');
$menu = MenuModel::where('id', $id)->find();
if ($menu['system_menu'] == '1') $this->error('系统节点,禁止删除');
// 获取该节点的所有后辈节点id
$menu_childs = MenuModel::getChildsId($id);
// 要删除的所有节点id
$all_ids = array_merge([(int)$id], $menu_childs);
// 删除节点
if (MenuModel::destroy($all_ids)) {
// 记录行为
$details = '节点ID('.$id.'),节点标题('.$menu['title'].'),节点链接('.$menu['url_value'].')';
action_log('menu_delete', 'admin_menu', $id, UID, $details);
} else {
* 保存节点排序
* @author 蔡伟明 <>
public function save()
if ($this->request->isPost()) {
$data = $this->request->post();
if (!empty($data)) {
$menus = $this->parseMenu($data['menus']);
foreach ($menus as $menu) {
if ($menu['pid'] == 0) {
} else {
* 添加子节点
* @param array $data 节点数据
* @param string $pid 父节点id
* @author 蔡伟明 <>
private function createChildNode($data = [], $pid = '')
$url_value = substr($data['url_value'], 0, strrpos($data['url_value'], '/')).'/';
$child_node = [];
$data['pid'] = $pid;
foreach ($data['child_node'] as $item) {
switch ($item) {
case 'add':
$data['title'] = '新增';
case 'edit':
$data['title'] = '编辑';
case 'delete':
$data['title'] = '删除';
case 'enable':
$data['title'] = '启用';
case 'disable':
$data['title'] = '禁用';
case 'quickedit':
$data['title'] = '快速编辑';
$data['url_value'] = $url_value.$item;
$data['create_time'] = $this->request->time();
$data['update_time'] = $this->request->time();
$child_node[] = $data;
if ($child_node) {
$MenuModel = new MenuModel();
* 递归解析节点
* @param array $menus 节点数据
* @param int $pid 上级节点id
* @author 蔡伟明 <>
* @return array 解析成可以写入数据库的格式
private function parseMenu($menus = [], $pid = 0)
$sort = 1;
$result = [];
foreach ($menus as $menu) {
$result[] = [
'id' => (int)$menu['id'],
'pid' => (int)$pid,
'sort' => $sort,
if (isset($menu['children'])) {
$result = array_merge($result, $this->parseMenu($menu['children'], $menu['id']));
$sort ++;
return $result;
* 获取嵌套式节点
* @param array $lists 原始节点数组
* @param int $pid 父级id
* @param int $max_level 最多返回多少层0为不限制
* @param int $curr_level 当前层数
* @author 蔡伟明 <>
* @return string
private function getNestMenu($lists = [], $max_level = 0, $pid = 0, $curr_level = 1)
$result = '';
foreach ($lists as $key => $value) {
if ($value['pid'] == $pid) {
$disable = $value['status'] == 0 ? 'dd-disable' : '';
// 组合节点
$result .= '<li class="dd-item dd3-item '.$disable.'" data-id="'.$value['id'].'">';
$result .= '<div class="dd-handle dd3-handle">拖拽</div><div class="dd3-content"><i class="'.$value['icon'].'"></i> '.$value['title'];
if ($value['url_value'] != '') {
$result .= '<span class="link"><i class="fa fa-link"></i> '.$value['url_value'].'</span>';
$result .= '<div class="action">';
$result .= '<a href="'.url('add', ['module' => $value['module'], 'pid' => $value['id']]).'" data-toggle="tooltip" data-original-title="新增子节点"><i class="list-icon fa fa-plus fa-fw"></i></a><a href="'.url('edit', ['id' => $value['id']]).'" data-toggle="tooltip" data-original-title="编辑"><i class="list-icon fa fa-pencil fa-fw"></i></a>';
if ($value['status'] == 0) {
// 启用
$result .= '<a href="javascript:void(0);" data-ids="'.$value['id'].'" class="enable" data-toggle="tooltip" data-original-title="启用"><i class="list-icon fa fa-check-circle-o fa-fw"></i></a>';
} else {
// 禁用
$result .= '<a href="javascript:void(0);" data-ids="'.$value['id'].'" class="disable" data-toggle="tooltip" data-original-title="禁用"><i class="list-icon fa fa-ban fa-fw"></i></a>';
$result .= '<a href="'.url('delete', ['id' => $value['id'], 'table' => 'admin_menu']).'" data-toggle="tooltip" data-original-title="删除" class="ajax-get confirm"><i class="list-icon fa fa-times fa-fw"></i></a></div>';
$result .= '</div>';
if ($max_level == 0 || $curr_level != $max_level) {
// 下级节点
$children = $this->getNestMenu($lists, $max_level, $value['id'], $curr_level + 1);
if ($children != '') {
$result .= '<ol class="dd-list">'.$children.'</ol>';
$result .= '</li>';
return $result;
* 启用节点
* @param array $record 行为日志
* @author 蔡伟明 <>
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
* @throws \think\exception\DbException
public function enable($record = [])
$id = input('param.ids');
$menu = MenuModel::where('id', $id)->find();
$details = '节点ID('.$id.'),节点标题('.$menu['title'].'),节点链接('.$menu['url_value'].')';
$this->setStatus('enable', ['menu_enable', 'admin_menu', $id, UID, $details]);
* 禁用节点
* @param array $record 行为日志
* @author 蔡伟明 <>
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
* @throws \think\exception\DbException
public function disable($record = [])
$id = input('param.ids');
$menu = MenuModel::where('id', $id)->find();
$details = '节点ID('.$id.'),节点标题('.$menu['title'].'),节点链接('.$menu['url_value'].')';
$this->setStatus('disable', ['menu_disable', 'admin_menu', $id, UID, $details]);
* 设置状态
* @param string $type 类型
* @param array $record 行为日志
* @author 小乌 <>
public function setStatus($type = '', $record = [])
$id = input('param.ids');
$status = $type == 'enable' ? 1 : 0;
if (false !== MenuModel::where('id', $id)->setField('status', $status)) {
// 记录行为日志
if (!empty($record)) {
call_user_func_array('action_log', $record);
} else {