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// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
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// | Copyright (c) 2006~2018 http://thinkphp.cn All rights reserved.
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// | Licensed ( http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 )
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// | Author: liu21st <liu21st@gmail.com>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace think;
use SplFileObject;
class File extends SplFileObject
* 错误信息
* @var string
private $error = '';
* 当前完整文件名
* @var string
protected $filename;
* 上传文件名
* @var string
protected $saveName;
* 上传文件命名规则
* @var string
protected $rule = 'date';
* 上传文件验证规则
* @var array
protected $validate = [];
* 是否单元测试
* @var bool
protected $isTest;
* 上传文件信息
* @var array
protected $info = [];
* 文件hash规则
* @var array
protected $hash = [];
public function __construct($filename, $mode = 'r')
parent::__construct($filename, $mode);
$this->filename = $this->getRealPath() ?: $this->getPathname();
* 是否测试
* @access public
* @param bool $test 是否测试
* @return $this
public function isTest($test = false)
$this->isTest = $test;
return $this;
* 设置上传信息
* @access public
* @param array $info 上传文件信息
* @return $this
public function setUploadInfo($info)
$this->info = $info;
return $this;
* 获取上传文件的信息
* @access public
* @param string $name
* @return array|string
public function getInfo($name = '')
return isset($this->info[$name]) ? $this->info[$name] : $this->info;
* 获取上传文件的文件名
* @access public
* @return string
public function getSaveName()
return $this->saveName;
* 设置上传文件的保存文件名
* @access public
* @param string $saveName
* @return $this
public function setSaveName($saveName)
$this->saveName = $saveName;
return $this;
* 获取文件的哈希散列值
* @access public
* @param string $type
* @return string
public function hash($type = 'sha1')
if (!isset($this->hash[$type])) {
$this->hash[$type] = hash_file($type, $this->filename);
return $this->hash[$type];
* 检查目录是否可写
* @access protected
* @param string $path 目录
* @return boolean
protected function checkPath($path)
if (is_dir($path)) {
return true;
if (mkdir($path, 0755, true)) {
return true;
$this->error = ['directory {:path} creation failed', ['path' => $path]];
return false;
* 获取文件类型信息
* @access public
* @return string
public function getMime()
$finfo = finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE);
return finfo_file($finfo, $this->filename);
* 设置文件的命名规则
* @access public
* @param string $rule 文件命名规则
* @return $this
public function rule($rule)
$this->rule = $rule;
return $this;
* 设置上传文件的验证规则
* @access public
* @param array $rule 验证规则
* @return $this
public function validate($rule = [])
$this->validate = $rule;
return $this;
* 检测是否合法的上传文件
* @access public
* @return bool
public function isValid()
if ($this->isTest) {
return is_file($this->filename);
return is_uploaded_file($this->filename);
* 检测上传文件
* @access public
* @param array $rule 验证规则
* @return bool
public function check($rule = [])
$rule = $rule ?: $this->validate;
if ((isset($rule['size']) && !$this->checkSize($rule['size']))
|| (isset($rule['type']) && !$this->checkMime($rule['type']))
|| (isset($rule['ext']) && !$this->checkExt($rule['ext']))
|| !$this->checkImg()) {
return false;
return true;
* 检测上传文件后缀
* @access public
* @param array|string $ext 允许后缀
* @return bool
public function checkExt($ext)
if (is_string($ext)) {
$ext = explode(',', $ext);
$extension = strtolower(pathinfo($this->getInfo('name'), PATHINFO_EXTENSION));
if (!in_array($extension, $ext)) {
$this->error = 'extensions to upload is not allowed';
return false;
return true;
* 检测图像文件
* @access public
* @return bool
public function checkImg()
$extension = strtolower(pathinfo($this->getInfo('name'), PATHINFO_EXTENSION));
/* 对图像文件进行严格检测 */
if (in_array($extension, ['gif', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'bmp', 'png', 'swf']) && !in_array($this->getImageType($this->filename), [1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 13])) {
$this->error = 'illegal image files';
return false;
return true;
// 判断图像类型
protected function getImageType($image)
if (function_exists('exif_imagetype')) {
return exif_imagetype($image);
try {
$info = getimagesize($image);
return $info ? $info[2] : false;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
return false;
* 检测上传文件大小
* @access public
* @param integer $size 最大大小
* @return bool
public function checkSize($size)
if ($this->getSize() > (int) $size) {
$this->error = 'filesize not match';
return false;
return true;
* 检测上传文件类型
* @access public
* @param array|string $mime 允许类型
* @return bool
public function checkMime($mime)
if (is_string($mime)) {
$mime = explode(',', $mime);
if (!in_array(strtolower($this->getMime()), $mime)) {
$this->error = 'mimetype to upload is not allowed';
return false;
return true;
* 移动文件
* @access public
* @param string $path 保存路径
* @param string|bool $savename 保存的文件名 默认自动生成
* @param boolean $replace 同名文件是否覆盖
* @param bool $autoAppendExt 自动补充扩展名
* @return false|File false-失败 否则返回File实例
public function move($path, $savename = true, $replace = true, $autoAppendExt = true)
// 文件上传失败,捕获错误代码
if (!empty($this->info['error'])) {
return false;
// 检测合法性
if (!$this->isValid()) {
$this->error = 'upload illegal files';
return false;
// 验证上传
if (!$this->check()) {
return false;
// 文件保存命名规则
$saveName = $this->buildSaveName($savename, $autoAppendExt);
$filename = $path . $saveName;
// 检测目录
if (false === $this->checkPath(dirname($filename))) {
return false;
/* 不覆盖同名文件 */
if (!$replace && is_file($filename)) {
$this->error = ['has the same filename: {:filename}', ['filename' => $filename]];
return false;
/* 移动文件 */
if ($this->isTest) {
rename($this->filename, $filename);
} elseif (!move_uploaded_file($this->filename, $filename)) {
$this->error = 'upload write error';
return false;
// 返回 File对象实例
$file = new self($filename);
return $file;
* 获取保存文件名
* @access protected
* @param string|bool $savename 保存的文件名 默认自动生成
* @param bool $autoAppendExt 自动补充扩展名
* @return string
protected function buildSaveName($savename, $autoAppendExt = true)
if (true === $savename) {
// 自动生成文件名
$savename = $this->autoBuildName();
} elseif ('' === $savename || false === $savename) {
// 保留原文件名
$savename = $this->getInfo('name');
if ($autoAppendExt && false === strpos($savename, '.')) {
$savename .= '.' . pathinfo($this->getInfo('name'), PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
return $savename;
* 自动生成文件名
* @access protected
* @return string
protected function autoBuildName()
if ($this->rule instanceof \Closure) {
$savename = call_user_func_array($this->rule, [$this]);
} else {
switch ($this->rule) {
case 'date':
$savename = date('Ymd') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . md5(microtime(true));
if (in_array($this->rule, hash_algos())) {
$hash = $this->hash($this->rule);
$savename = substr($hash, 0, 2) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . substr($hash, 2);
} elseif (is_callable($this->rule)) {
$savename = call_user_func($this->rule);
} else {
$savename = date('Ymd') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . md5(microtime(true));
return $savename;
* 获取错误代码信息
* @access private
* @param int $errorNo 错误号
private function error($errorNo)
switch ($errorNo) {
case 1:
case 2:
$this->error = 'upload File size exceeds the maximum value';
case 3:
$this->error = 'only the portion of file is uploaded';
case 4:
$this->error = 'no file to uploaded';
case 6:
$this->error = 'upload temp dir not found';
case 7:
$this->error = 'file write error';
$this->error = 'unknown upload error';
* 获取错误信息(支持多语言)
* @access public
* @return string
public function getError()
$lang = Container::get('lang');
if (is_array($this->error)) {
list($msg, $vars) = $this->error;
} else {
$msg = $this->error;
$vars = [];
return $lang->has($msg) ? $lang->get($msg, $vars) : $msg;
public function __call($method, $args)
return $this->hash($method);