You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

489 lines
20 KiB

* Document : table.js
* Author : caiweiming <>
* Description: 表格构建器
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
if ($.fn.editable) {
// 快速编辑的url提交地址
$.fn.editable.defaults.url = dolphin.quick_edit_url;
// 值为空时显示的信息
$.fn.editable.defaults.emptytext = '空值';
// 提交时的额外参数
$.fn.editable.defaults.params = function (params) {
params._t = $(this).data('table') || '';
params.type = $(this).data('type') || '';
params.validate = dolphin.validate;
params.validate_fields = dolphin.validate_fields;
return params;
// 提交成功时的回调函数
$.fn.editable.defaults.success = function (res) {
if (res.code) {
Dolphin.notify(res.msg, 'success');
} else {
return res.msg;
// 提交失败时的回调函数
$.fn.editable.defaults.error = function(res) {
if(res.status === 500) {
return '服务器内部错误. 请稍后重试.';
} else {
return res.responseText;
// 可编辑单行文本
// 可编辑多行文本
showbuttons: 'bottom'
// 下拉编辑
select2: {
multiple: true,
tokenSeparators: [',', ' ']
// 日期时间
combodate: {
maxYear: 2036,
minuteStep: 1
// 跳转链接
var goto = function (url, _curr_params, remove_page) {
var params = {};
if (remove_page && dolphin.curr_params['page'] !== undefined) {
delete dolphin.curr_params['page'];
if ($.isEmptyObject(dolphin.curr_params)) {
params = jQuery.param(_curr_params);
} else {
$.extend(dolphin.curr_params, _curr_params);
params = jQuery.param(dolphin.curr_params);
location.href = url + '?'+ params;
// 初始化搜索
var search_field = dolphin.search_field;
var search_input_placeholder = $('#search-input').attr('placeholder');
if (search_field !== '') {
$('.search-bar .dropdown-menu a').each(function () {
var self = $(this);
if ('field') === search_field) {
$('#search-btn').html(self.text() + ' <span class="caret"></span>');
if (self.text() === '不限') {
$('#search-input').attr('placeholder', search_input_placeholder);
} else {
$('#search-input').attr('placeholder', '请输入'+self.text());
// 搜索
$('.search-bar .dropdown-menu a').click(function () {
var field = $(this).data('field') || '';
$('#search-btn').html($(this).text() + ' <span class="caret"></span>');
if ($(this).text() === '不限') {
$('#search-input').attr('placeholder', search_input_placeholder);
} else {
$('#search-input').attr('placeholder', '请输入'+$(this).text());
$('#search-input').on('keyup', function (e) {
if (e.keyCode === 13) {
var $url = $(this).data('url');
var $filed = $('#search-field').val();
var $keyword = $(this).val();
var _curr_params = {
'search_field': $filed || '',
'keyword': $keyword || ''
goto($url, _curr_params, true);
$('#search-submit-btn').click(function () {
var $url = $('#search-input').data('url');
var $filed = $('#search-field').val();
var $keyword = $('#search-input').val();
var _curr_params = {
'search_field': $filed || '',
'keyword': $keyword || ''
goto($url, _curr_params, true);
// 筛选
$('.table-builder .field-filter').click(function () {
var self = $(this),
$field_display ='field-display'), // 当前表格字段显示的字段名,未必是数据库字段名
$filter ='filter'), // 要筛选的字段
$_type ='type'), // 筛选方式
$_filter = dolphin._filter,
$_filter_content = dolphin._filter_content,
$_field_display = dolphin._field_display,
$data = {
token:'token') || '', // Token
map:'map') || '', // 筛选条件
options:'options') || '', // 选项
list:'list') || ''
var width = $(window).width();
if (width > 500) {
width = 500;
type: 1,
title: '<i class="fa fa-filter"></i> 筛选',
shadeClose: true,
area: [width+'px', '530px'],
btn:['确定', '取消'],
content: '<div class="block-content" id="filter-check-content"><i class="fa fa-cog fa-spin"></i> 正在读取...</div>',
success: function () {
var $curr_filter_content = '';
var $curr_filter = '';
if ($_filter !== '') {
$curr_filter = $_filter.split('|');
var filed_index = $.inArray($filter, $curr_filter);
if (filed_index !== -1) {
$curr_filter_content = $_filter_content.split('|');
$curr_filter_content = $curr_filter_content[filed_index];
$curr_filter_content = $curr_filter_content.split(',');
// 获取数据
$.post(dolphin.get_filter_list, $data).success(function(res) {
if (1 !== res.code) {
return false;
var list = '<div class="row push-10"><div class="col-sm-12"><div class="input-group"><div class="input-group-addon"><i class="fa fa-search"></i></div><input class="js-field-search form-control" type="text" placeholder="查找要筛选的字段"></div></div></div>';
if ($_type === 'checkbox') {
list += '<div class="row"><div class="col-sm-12"><label class="css-input css-checkbox css-checkbox-primary">';
list += '<input type="checkbox" id="filter-check-all"><span></span> 全选';
list += '</label></div></div>';
list += '<div class="filter-field-list">';
for(var key in res.list) {
// 如果不是该对象自身直接创建的属性(也就是该属//性是原型中的属性),则跳过显示
if (!res.list.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
list += '<div class="row" data-field="'+res.list[key]+'"><div class="col-sm-12">';
if ($_type === 'checkbox') {
list += '<label class="css-input css-checkbox css-checkbox-primary">';
list += '<input type="checkbox" ';
if ($curr_filter_content !== '' && $.inArray(key, $curr_filter_content) !== -1) {
list += 'checked ';
list += 'value="'+ key +'" class="check-item"><span></span> '+res.list[key];
list += '</label>';
} else {
list += '<label class="css-input css-radio css-radio-primary">';
list += '<input type="radio" name="_filter_'+$field_display+'" ';
if ($curr_filter_content !== '' && $curr_filter_content == key) {
list += 'checked ';
list += 'value="'+ key +'" class="check-item"><span></span> '+res.list[key];
list += '</label>';
list += '</div></div>';
list += '</div>';
// 查找要筛选的字段
var $searchItems = jQuery('.filter-field-list > div');
var $searchValue = '';
var reg;
$('.js-field-search').on('keyup', function(){
$searchValue = $(this).val().toLowerCase();
if ($searchValue.length >= 1) {
reg = new RegExp($searchValue, 'i');
if ($(this).text().match(reg)) {
} else if ($searchValue.length === 0) {
}).fail(function (res) {
Dolphin.notify($(res.responseText).find('h1').text() || '服务器内部错误~', 'danger');
yes: function () {
var filed_index = -1;
if ($('#filter-check-content input[class=check-item]:checked').length == 0) {
// 没有选择筛选字段,则删除原先该字段的筛选
$_filter = $_filter.split('|');
filed_index = $.inArray($filter, $_filter);
if (filed_index !== -1) {
$_filter.splice(filed_index, 1);
$filter = $_filter.join('|');
$_field_display = $_field_display.split(',');
$_field_display.splice(filed_index, 1);
$field_display = $_field_display.join(',');
$_filter_content = $_filter_content.split('|');
$_filter_content.splice(filed_index, 1);
$fields = $_filter_content.join('|');
} else {
// 当前要筛选字段内容
var $fields = [];
$('#filter-check-content input[class=check-item]:checked').each(function () {
if ($(this).val() !== '') {
$fields = $fields.join(',');
if ($_filter !== '') {
$_filter = $_filter.split('|');
filed_index = $.inArray($filter, $_filter);
$_filter = $_filter.join('|');
if (filed_index === -1) {
$filter = $_filter + '|' + $filter;
$fields = $_filter_content + '|' + $fields;
$field_display = $_field_display + ',' + $field_display;
} else {
$filter = $_filter;
$field_display = $_field_display;
$_filter_content = $_filter_content.split('|');
$_filter_content[filed_index] = $fields;
$fields = $_filter_content.join('|');
var _curr_params = {
_filter: $filter || '',
_filter_content: $fields || '',
_field_display: $field_display || ''
goto(dolphin.curr_url, _curr_params, true);
return false;
// 筛选框全选或取消全选
$('body').delegate('#filter-check-all', 'click', function () {
var $checkStatus = $(this).prop('checked');
if ($('.js-field-search').val()) {
$('#filter-check-content .field-show .check-item').each(function () {
$(this).prop('checked', $checkStatus);
} else {
$('#filter-check-content .check-item').each(function () {
$(this).prop('checked', $checkStatus);
// 开关
$('.table-builder .switch input:checkbox').on('click', function () {
var $switch = $(this);
var $data = {
value: $switch.prop('checked'),
_t: $'table') || '',
name: $'field') || '',
type: 'switch',
pk: $'id') || ''
// 发送ajax请求
$.post(dolphin.quick_edit_url, $data).success(function(res) {
if (res.code) {
Dolphin.notify(res.msg, 'success');
} else {
Dolphin.notify(res.msg, 'danger');
$switch.prop('checked', !$data.value);
return false;
}).fail(function (res) {
Dolphin.notify($(res.responseText).find('h1').text() || '服务器内部错误~', 'danger');
// 分页搜索
$('.pagination-info input').click(function () {
$('#go-page').on('keyup', function (e) {
if (e.keyCode === 13) {
var _curr_params = {
'page': $('#go-page').val(),
'list_rows': $('#list-rows').val()
goto(dolphin.curr_url, _curr_params);
$('#list-rows').on('keyup', function (e) {
if (e.keyCode === 13) {
var _curr_params = {
'page': 1,
'list_rows': $('#list-rows').val()
goto(dolphin.curr_url, _curr_params);
// 时间段搜索
$('#btn-filter-time').click(function () {
var _curr_params = {
'_filter_time_from': $('#_filter_time_from').val(),
'_filter_time_to': $('#_filter_time_to').val(),
'_filter_time': $('#_filter_time').val()
goto(dolphin.curr_url, _curr_params, true);
// 弹出框显示页面
$('#page-container').delegate('a.pop', 'click', function () {
var $url = $(this).attr('href');
var $title = $(this).attr('title') || $(this).data('original-title');
var $layer = $(this).data('layer');
// 是否需要获取表格数据
if ($(this).hasClass('js-get')) {
var target_form = $(this).attr("target-form");
var form = jQuery('form[name=' + target_form + ']');
var form_data = form.serialize() || [];
if (form.length === 0) {
form = jQuery('.' + target_form + '[type=checkbox]:checked');
form.each(function () {
form_data = form_data.join(',');
if (form_data === '') {
Dolphin.notify('请选择要操作的数据', 'warning');
return false;
if ($url.indexOf('?') !== -1) {
$url += '&' + target_form + '=' + form_data;
} else {
$url += '?' + target_form + '=' + form_data;
var $options = {
title: $title,
content: $url
// 处理各种回调方法
dolphin.layer.success = dolphin.layer.success ? window[dolphin.layer.success] : null;
dolphin.layer.yes = dolphin.layer.yes ? window[dolphin.layer.yes] : null;
dolphin.layer.cancel = dolphin.layer.cancel ? window[dolphin.layer.cancel] : null;
dolphin.layer.end = dolphin.layer.end ? window[dolphin.layer.end] : null;
dolphin.layer.full = dolphin.layer.full ? window[dolphin.layer.full] : null;
dolphin.layer.min = dolphin.layer.min ? window[dolphin.layer.min] : null;
dolphin.layer.max = dolphin.layer.max ? window[dolphin.layer.max] : null;
dolphin.layer.restore = dolphin.layer.restore ? window[dolphin.layer.restore] : null;
if ($layer !== undefined) {
// 处理各种回调方法
$layer.success = $layer.success ? window[$layer.success] : dolphin.layer.success;
$layer.yes = $layer.yes ? window[$layer.yes] : dolphin.layer.yes;
$layer.cancel = $layer.cancel ? window[$layer.cancel] : dolphin.layer.cancel;
$layer.end = $layer.end ? window[$layer.end] : dolphin.layer.end;
$layer.full = $layer.full ? window[$layer.full] : dolphin.layer.full;
$layer.min = $layer.min ? window[$layer.min] : dolphin.layer.min;
$layer.max = $layer.max ? window[$layer.max] : dolphin.layer.max;
$layer.restore = $layer.restore ? window[$layer.restore] : dolphin.layer.restore;
$.extend($options, dolphin.layer, $layer);
} else {
$.extend($options, dolphin.layer);
if ($options.cancel === null && (typeof window.layer_cancel === "function")) {
$options.cancel = window.layer_cancel;
if ($options.success === null && (typeof window.layer_success === "function")) {
$options.success = window.layer_success;
if ($options.yes === null && (typeof window.layer_yes === "function")) {
$options.yes = window.layer_yes;
if ($options.end === null && (typeof window.layer_end === "function")) {
$options.end = window.layer_end;
if ($options.full === null && (typeof window.layer_full === "function")) {
$options.full = window.layer_full;
if ($options.min === null && (typeof window.layer_min === "function")) {
$options.min = window.layer_min;
if ($options.max === null && (typeof window.layer_max === "function")) {
$options.max = window.layer_max;
if ($options.restore === null && (typeof window.layer_restore === "function")) {
$options.restore = window.layer_restore;
return false;
// 顶部下拉菜单
var $url = $(this).find('option:selected').data('url');
if ($url) {
window.location.href = $url;
// 搜索区域
$('#search-area').submit(function () {
var items = $('#search-area').serializeArray();
var op = $('#_o').val();
var str = [];
$.each(items, function (index, e) {
str.push( + '=' + e.value)
str = str.join('|');
location.href = $(this).attr('action')+'?_s='+str+'&_o='+op;
return false;