You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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namespace app\cms\model;
use think\Model as ThinkModel;
use think\Db;
use app\cms\model\Field as FieldModel;
* 文档模型
* @package app\cms\model
class Document extends ThinkModel
// 设置当前模型对应的完整数据表名称
protected $name = 'cms_document';
// 自动写入时间戳
protected $autoWriteTimestamp = true;
* 获取文档列表
* @param array $map 筛选条件
* @param array $order 排序
* @author 蔡伟明 <>
* @return \think\Paginator
* @throws \think\exception\DbException
public static function getList($map = [], $order = [])
$data_list = self::view('cms_document', true)
->view("cms_column", ['name' => 'column_name'], '', 'left')
->view("admin_user", 'username', '', 'left')
return $data_list;
* 获取单篇文档
* @param string $id 文档id
* @param string $model 独立模型id
* @param array $map 查询条件
* @author 蔡伟明 <>
* @return array|string|ThinkModel|null
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
* @throws \think\exception\DbException
public static function getOne($id = '', $model = '', $map = [])
if ($model == '') {
$document = self::get($id);
$extra_table = get_model_table($document['model']);
$data = self::view('cms_document', true);
if ($extra_table != '') {
$data = $data->view($extra_table, true, ''.$extra_table.'.aid', 'left');
return $data->view("cms_column", ['name' => 'column_name', 'list_template', 'detail_template'], '', 'left')
->view("admin_user", 'username', '', 'left')
->where('', $id)
} else {
$table = get_model_table($model);
return Db::view($table, true)
->view("cms_column", ['name' => 'column_name', 'list_template', 'detail_template'], ''.$table.'.cid', 'left')
->where($table.'.id', $id)
* 新增或更新文档
* @author 蔡伟明 <>
* @return bool
* @throws \think\Exception
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
* @throws \think\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\exception\PDOException
public function saveData()
$data = request()->post();
$data['uid'] = UID;
// 文档模型
$model = Db::name('cms_model')->where('id', $data['model'])->find();
if ($model['type'] != 2 && empty($data['summary']) && config('cms_config.summary') > 0) {
$data['summary'] = mb_substr(strip_tags($data['content']), 0, config('cms_config.summary'), 'utf-8');
// 处理自定义属性
if (isset($data['flag'])) {
$data['flag'] = implode(',', $data['flag']);
} else {
$data['flag'] = '';
// 验证基础内容
if ($data['title'] == '') {
$this->error = '标题不能为空';
return false;
// 处理特殊字段类型
$fields = FieldModel::where('model', $data['model'])->where('status', 1)->column('name,type');
foreach ($fields as $name => $type) {
if (!isset($data[$name])) {
switch ($type) {
// 开关
case 'switch':
$data[$name] = 0;
case 'checkbox':
$data[$name] = '';
} else {
// 如果值是数组则转换成字符串,适用于复选框等类型
if (is_array($data[$name])) {
$data[$name] = implode(',', $data[$name]);
switch ($type) {
// 开关
case 'switch':
$data[$name] = 1;
// 日期时间
case 'date':
case 'time':
case 'datetime':
$data[$name] = strtotime($data[$name]);
if (empty($data['id'])) {
if ($model['type'] == 2) {
// 新增独立模型文档
$data['create_time'] = request()->time();
$data['update_time'] = request()->time();
$insert_id = Db::table($model['table'])->insertGetId($data);
if (false === $insert_id) {
$this->error = '新增失败';
return false;
} else {
// 记录行为
action_log('document_add', $model['table'], $insert_id, UID, $data['title']);
return true;
} else {
// 新增文档基础内容
if ($document = self::create($data)) {
// 新增文档扩展内容
if ($model['table'] != '') {
$data['aid'] = $document['id'];
if (false === Db::table($model['table'])->insert($data)) {
// 删除已添加的基础内容
$this->error = '新增扩展内容出错';
return false;
// 记录行为
action_log('document_add', 'cms_document', $document['id'], UID, $document['title']);
return true;
} else {
$this->error = '新增基础内容出错';
return false;
} else {
// 更新独立模型文档
if ($model['type'] == 2) {
// 新增独立模型文档
$data['update_time'] = request()->time();
if (false === Db::table($model['table'])->update($data)) {
$this->error = '编辑失败';
return false;
} else {
// 记录行为
action_log('document_edit', $model['table'], $data['id'], UID, $data['title']);
return true;
} else {
// 更新文档基础内容
if (self::update($data)) {
// 更新文档扩展内容
$data['aid'] = $data['id'];
if (false !== Db::table($model['table'])->update($data)) {
// 记录行为
action_log('document_edit', 'cms_document', $data['id'], UID, $data['title']);
return true;
} else {
$this->error = '更新扩展内容出错';
return false;
} else {
$this->error = '更新基础内容出错';
return false;