You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

108 lines
3.8 KiB

3 years ago
**I cannot provide any support or guidance beyond this README. If this code helps you that's great but I have no plans to develop Nestable beyond this demo (it's not a final product and has limited functionality). I cannot reply to any requests for help.**
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### Drag & drop hierarchical list with mouse and touch compatibility (jQuery / Zepto plugin)
[**Try Nestable Demo**](
Nestable is an experimental example and not under active development. If it suits your requirements feel free to expand upon it!
## Usage
Write your nested HTML lists like so:
<div class="dd">
<ol class="dd-list">
<li class="dd-item" data-id="1">
<div class="dd-handle">Item 1</div>
<li class="dd-item" data-id="2">
<div class="dd-handle">Item 2</div>
<li class="dd-item" data-id="3">
<div class="dd-handle">Item 3</div>
<ol class="dd-list">
<li class="dd-item" data-id="4">
<div class="dd-handle">Item 4</div>
<li class="dd-item" data-id="5">
<div class="dd-handle">Item 5</div>
Then activate with jQuery like so:
$('.dd').nestable({ /* config options */ });
### Events
The `change` event is fired when items are reordered.
$('.dd').on('change', function() {
/* on change event */
### Methods
You can get a serialised object with all `data-*` attributes for each item.
The serialised JSON for the example above would be:
### Configuration
You can change the follow options:
* `maxDepth` number of levels an item can be nested (default `5`)
* `group` group ID to allow dragging between lists (default `0`)
These advanced config options are also available:
* `listNodeName` The HTML element to create for lists (default `'ol'`)
* `itemNodeName` The HTML element to create for list items (default `'li'`)
* `rootClass` The class of the root element `.nestable()` was used on (default `'dd'`)
* `listClass` The class of all list elements (default `'dd-list'`)
* `itemClass` The class of all list item elements (default `'dd-item'`)
* `dragClass` The class applied to the list element that is being dragged (default `'dd-dragel'`)
* `handleClass` The class of the content element inside each list item (default `'dd-handle'`)
* `collapsedClass` The class applied to lists that have been collapsed (default `'dd-collapsed'`)
* `placeClass` The class of the placeholder element (default `'dd-placeholder'`)
* `emptyClass` The class used for empty list placeholder elements (default `'dd-empty'`)
* `expandBtnHTML` The HTML text used to generate a list item expand button (default `'<button data-action="expand">Expand></button>'`)
* `collapseBtnHTML` The HTML text used to generate a list item collapse button (default `'<button data-action="collapse">Collapse</button>'`)
**Inspect the [Nestable Demo]( for guidance.**
## Change Log
### 15th October 2012
* Merge for Zepto.js support
* Merge fix for remove/detach items
### 27th June 2012
* Added `maxDepth` option (default to 5)
* Added empty placeholder
* Updated CSS class structure with options for `listClass` and `itemClass`.
* Fixed to allow drag and drop between multiple Nestable instances (off by default).
* Added `group` option to enabled the above.
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Author: David Bushell []( [@dbushell](
Copyright © 2012 David Bushell | BSD & MIT license