You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

299 lines
12 KiB

3 years ago
namespace app\cms\admin;
use app\admin\controller\Admin;
use app\common\builder\ZBuilder;
use app\cms\model\Advert as AdvertModel;
use app\cms\model\AdvertType as AdvertTypeModel;
use think\facade\Validate;
* 广告控制器
* @package app\cms\admin
class Advert extends Admin
* 广告列表
* @author 蔡伟明 <>
* @return mixed
* @throws \think\Exception
* @throws \think\exception\DbException
public function index()
// 查询
$map = $this->getMap();
// 排序
$order = $this->getOrder('update_time desc');
// 数据列表
$data_list = AdvertModel::where($map)->order($order)->paginate();
$btnType = [
'class' => 'btn btn-info',
'title' => '广告分类',
'icon' => 'fa fa-fw fa-sitemap',
'href' => url('advert_type/index')
$list_type = AdvertTypeModel::where('status', 1)->column('id,name');
array_unshift($list_type, '默认分类');
// 使用ZBuilder快速创建数据表格
return ZBuilder::make('table')
->setSearch(['title' => '标题']) // 设置搜索框
->addColumns([ // 批量添加数据列
['id', 'ID'],
['name', '广告名称', 'text.edit'],
['typeid', '分类', 'select', $list_type],
['ad_type', '类型', 'text', '', ['代码', '文字', '图片', 'flash']],
['timeset', '时间限制', 'text', '', ['永不过期', '限时']],
['create_time', '创建时间', 'datetime'],
['update_time', '更新时间', 'datetime'],
['status', '状态', 'switch'],
['right_button', '操作', 'btn']
->addTopButtons('add,enable,disable,delete') // 批量添加顶部按钮
->addTopButton('custom', $btnType) // 添加顶部按钮
->addRightButtons(['edit', 'delete' => ['data-tips' => '删除后无法恢复。']]) // 批量添加右侧按钮
->setRowList($data_list) // 设置表格数据
->addValidate('Advert', 'name')
->fetch(); // 渲染模板
* 新增
* @author 蔡伟明 <>
* @return mixed
* @throws \think\Exception
public function add()
// 保存数据
if ($this->request->isPost()) {
// 表单数据
$data = $this->request->post();
// 验证
$result = $this->validate($data, 'Advert');
if (true !== $result) $this->error($result);
if ($data['ad_type'] != 0) {
$data['link'] == '' && $this->error('链接不能为空');
Validate::is($data['link'], 'url') === false && $this->error('链接不是有效的url地址'); // true
// 广告类型
switch ($data['ad_type']) {
case 0: // 代码
$data['content'] = $data['code'];
case 1: // 文字
$data['content'] = '<a href="'.$data['link'].'" target="_blank" style="';
if ($data['size'] != '') {
$data['content'] .= 'font-size:'.$data['size'].'px;';
if ($data['color'] != '') {
$data['content'] .= 'color:'.$data['color'];
$data['content'] .= '">'.$data['title'].'</a>';
case 2: // 图片
$data['content'] = '<a href="'.$data['link'].'" target="_blank"><img src="'.get_file_path($data['src']).'" style="';
if ($data['width'] != '') {
$data['content'] .= 'width:'.$data['width'].'px;';
if ($data['height'] != '') {
$data['content'] .= 'height:'.$data['height'].'px;';
if ($data['alt'] != '') {
$data['content'] .= '" alt="'.$data['alt'];
$data['content'] .= '" /></a>';
case 3: // flash
$data['content'] = '';
$data['content'] = '<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase=",0,40,0"';
if ($data['width'] != '') {
$data['content'] .= ' width="'.$data['width'].'"';
if ($data['height'] != '') {
$data['content'] .= ' height="'.$data['height'].'"';
$data['content'] .= '><param name="quality" value="high" /><param name="movie" value="'.$data['link'].'" /><embed allowfullscreen="true"';
if ($data['height'] != '') {
$data['content'] .= ' height="'.$data['height'].'"';
$data['content'] .= ' pluginspage="" quality="high" src="'.$data['link'].'" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"';
if ($data['width'] != '') {
$data['content'] .= ' width="'.$data['width'].'"';
$data['content'] .= '></embed></object>';
if ($advert = AdvertModel::create($data)) {
// 记录行为
action_log('advert_add', 'cms_advert', $advert['id'], UID, $data['name']);
$this->success('新增成功', 'index');
} else {
$list_type = AdvertTypeModel::where('status', 1)->column('id,name');
array_unshift($list_type, '默认分类');
// 显示添加页面
return ZBuilder::make('form')
->setPageTips('如果出现无法添加的情况,可能由于浏览器将本页面当成了广告,请尝试关闭浏览器的广告过滤功能再试。', 'warning')
['select', 'typeid', '广告分类', '', $list_type, 0],
['text', 'tagname', '广告位标识', '由小写字母、数字或下划线组成,不能以数字开头'],
['text', 'name', '广告位名称'],
['radio', 'timeset', '时间限制', '', ['永不过期', '在设内时间内有效'], 0],
['daterange', 'start_time,end_time', '开始时间-结束时间'],
['radio', 'ad_type', '广告类型', '', ['代码', '文字', '图片', 'flash'], 0],
['textarea', 'code', '代码', '<code>必填</code>支持html代码'],
['image', 'src', '图片', '<code>必须</code>'],
['text', 'title', '文字内容', '<code>必填</code>'],
['text', 'link', '链接', '<code>必填</code>'],
['colorpicker', 'color', '文字颜色', '', '', 'rgb'],
['text', 'size', '文字大小', '只需填写数字,例如:12表示12px', '', ['', 'px']],
['text', 'width', '宽度', '不用填写单位,只需填写具体数字'],
['text', 'height', '高度', '不用填写单位,只需填写具体数字'],
['text', 'alt', '图片描述', '即图片alt的值'],
['radio', 'status', '立即启用', '', ['否', '是'], 1]
->setTrigger('ad_type', '0', 'code')
->setTrigger('ad_type', '1', 'title,color,size')
->setTrigger('ad_type', '2', 'src,alt')
->setTrigger('ad_type', '2,3', 'width,height')
->setTrigger('ad_type', '1,2,3', 'link')
->setTrigger('timeset', '1', 'start_time')
* 编辑
* @param null $id 广告id
* @author 蔡伟明 <>
* @return mixed
* @throws \think\Exception
public function edit($id = null)
if ($id === null) $this->error('缺少参数');
// 保存数据
if ($this->request->isPost()) {
// 表单数据
$data = $this->request->post();
// 验证
$result = $this->validate($data, 'Advert');
if (true !== $result) $this->error($result);
if (AdvertModel::update($data)) {
// 记录行为
action_log('advert_edit', 'cms_advert', $id, UID, $data['name']);
$this->success('编辑成功', 'index');
} else {
$list_type = AdvertTypeModel::where('status', 1)->column('id,name');
array_unshift($list_type, '默认分类');
$info = AdvertModel::get($id);
$info['ad_type'] = ['代码', '文字', '图片', 'flash'][$info['ad_type']];
// 显示编辑页面
return ZBuilder::make('form')
->setPageTips('如果出现无法添加的情况,可能由于浏览器将本页面当成了广告,请尝试关闭浏览器的广告过滤功能再试。', 'warning')
['hidden', 'id'],
['hidden', 'tagname'],
['static', 'tagname', '广告位标识'],
['static', 'ad_type', '广告类型'],
['text', 'name', '广告位名称'],
['select', 'typeid', '广告分类', '', $list_type],
['radio', 'timeset', '时间限制', '', ['永不过期', '在设内时间内有效']],
['daterange', 'start_time,end_time', '开始时间-结束时间'],
['textarea', 'content', '广告内容'],
['radio', 'status', '立即启用', '', ['否', '是']]
->setTrigger('timeset', '1', 'start_time')
* 删除广告
* @param array $record 行为日志
* @author 蔡伟明 <>
* @throws \think\Exception
* @throws \think\exception\PDOException
public function delete($record = [])
return $this->setStatus('delete');
* 启用广告
* @param array $record 行为日志
* @author 蔡伟明 <>
* @throws \think\Exception
* @throws \think\exception\PDOException
public function enable($record = [])
return $this->setStatus('enable');
* 禁用广告
* @param array $record 行为日志
* @author 蔡伟明 <>
* @throws \think\Exception
* @throws \think\exception\PDOException
public function disable($record = [])
return $this->setStatus('disable');
* 设置广告状态:删除、禁用、启用
* @param string $type 类型delete/enable/disable
* @param array $record
* @author 蔡伟明 <>
* @throws \think\Exception
* @throws \think\exception\PDOException
public function setStatus($type = '', $record = [])
$ids = $this->request->isPost() ? input('post.ids/a') : input('param.ids');
$advert_name = AdvertModel::where('id', 'in', $ids)->column('name');
return parent::setStatus($type, ['advert_'.$type, 'cms_advert', 0, UID, implode('、', $advert_name)]);
* 快速编辑
* @param array $record 行为日志
* @author 蔡伟明 <>
* @return mixed
public function quickEdit($record = [])
$id = input('', '');
$field = input('', '');
$value = input('post.value', '');
$advert = AdvertModel::where('id', $id)->value($field);
$details = '字段(' . $field . '),原值(' . $advert . '),新值:(' . $value . ')';
return parent::quickEdit(['advert_edit', 'cms_advert', $id, UID, $details]);