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3 years ago
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namespace app\admin\model;
use app\user\model\Role as RoleModel;
use think\Model;
use think\Exception;
use util\Tree;
* 节点模型
* @package app\admin\model
class Menu extends Model
// 设置当前模型对应的完整数据表名称
protected $table = '__ADMIN_MENU__';
// 自动写入时间戳
protected $autoWriteTimestamp = true;
// 将节点url转为小写
public function setUrlValueAttr($value)
return strtolower(trim($value));
* 递归修改所属模型
* @param int $id 父级节点id
* @param string $module 模型名称
* @author 蔡伟明 <>
* @return bool
public static function changeModule($id = 0, $module = '')
if ($id > 0) {
$ids = self::where('pid', $id)->column('id');
if ($ids) {
foreach ($ids as $id) {
self::where('id', $id)->setField('module', $module);
self::changeModule($id, $module);
return true;
* 获取树形节点
* @param int $id 需要隐藏的节点id
* @param string $default 默认第一个节点项默认为“顶级节点”如果为false则不显示也可传入其他名称
* @param string $module 模型名
* @author 蔡伟明 <>
* @return mixed
public static function getMenuTree($id = 0, $default = '', $module = '')
$result[0] = '顶级节点';
$where = [
['status', 'egt', 0]
if ($module != '') {
$where[] = ['module', '=', $module];
// 排除指定节点及其子节点
if ($id !== 0) {
$hide_ids = array_merge([$id], self::getChildsId($id));
$where[] = ['id', 'not in', $hide_ids];
// 获取节点
$menus = Tree::toList(self::where($where)->order('pid,id')->column('id,pid,title'));
foreach ($menus as $menu) {
$result[$menu['id']] = $menu['title_display'];
// 设置默认节点项标题
if ($default != '') {
$result[0] = $default;
// 隐藏默认节点项
if ($default === false) {
return $result;
* 获取顶部节点
* @param string $max 最多返回多少个
* @param string $cache_tag 缓存标签
* @author 蔡伟明 <>
* @return array
public static function getTopMenu($max = '', $cache_tag = '')
$cache_tag .= '_role_'.session('user_auth.role');
$menus = cache($cache_tag);
if (!$menus) {
// 非开发模式,只显示可以显示的菜单
if (config('develop_mode') == 0) {
$map['online_hide'] = 0;
$map['status'] = 1;
$map['pid'] = 0;
$list_menu = self::where($map)->order('sort,id')->column('id,pid,module,title,url_value,url_type,url_target,icon,params');
$i = 0;
$menus = [];
foreach ($list_menu as $key => &$menu) {
if ($max != '' && $i >= $max) {
// 没有访问权限的节点不显示
if (!RoleModel::checkAuth($menu['id'])) {
if ($menu['url_value'] != '' && ($menu['url_type'] == 'module_admin' || $menu['url_type'] == 'module_home')) {
$url = explode('/', $menu['url_value']);
$menu['controller'] = $url[1];
$menu['action'] = $url[2];
$menu['url_value'] = $menu['url_type'] == 'module_admin' ? admin_url($menu['url_value'], $menu['params']) : home_url($menu['url_value'], $menu['params']);
$menus[$key] = $menu;
// 非开发模式,缓存菜单
if (config('develop_mode') == 0) {
cache($cache_tag, $menus);
return $menus;
* 获取侧栏节点
* @param string $id 模块id
* @param string $module 模块名
* @param string $controller 控制器名
* @author 蔡伟明 <>
* @return array|mixed
public static function getSidebarMenu($id = '', $module = '', $controller = '')
$module = $module == '' ? request()->module() : $module;
$controller = $controller == '' ? request()->controller() : $controller;
$cache_tag = strtolower('_sidebar_menus_' . $module . '_' . $controller).'_role_'.session('user_auth.role');
$menus = cache($cache_tag);
if (!$menus) {
// 获取当前节点地址
$location = self::getLocation($id);
// 当前顶级节点id
$top_id = $location[0]['id'];
// 获取顶级节点下的所有节点
$map = [
'status' => 1
// 非开发模式,只显示可以显示的菜单
if (config('develop_mode') == 0) {
$map['online_hide'] = 0;
$menus = self::where($map)->order('sort,id')->column('id,pid,module,title,url_value,url_type,url_target,icon,params');
// 解析模块链接
foreach ($menus as $key => &$menu) {
// 没有访问权限的节点不显示
if (!RoleModel::checkAuth($menu['id'])) {
if ($menu['url_value'] != '' && ($menu['url_type'] == 'module_admin' || $menu['url_type'] == 'module_home')) {
$menu['url_value'] = $menu['url_type'] == 'module_admin' ? admin_url($menu['url_value'], $menu['params']) : home_url($menu['url_value'], $menu['params']);
$menus = Tree::toLayer($menus, $top_id, 2);
// 非开发模式,缓存菜单
if (config('develop_mode') == 0) {
cache($cache_tag, $menus);
return $menus;
* 获取指定节点ID的位置
* @param string $id 节点id如果没有指定则取当前节点id
* @param bool $del_last_url 是否删除最后一个节点的url地址
* @param bool $check 检查节点是否存在,不存在则抛出错误
* @author 蔡伟明 <>
* @return array
* @throws \think\Exception
public static function getLocation($id = '', $del_last_url = false, $check = true)
$model = request()->module();
$controller = request()->controller();
$action = request()->action();
if ($id != '') {
$cache_name = 'location_menu_'.$id;
} else {
$cache_name = 'location_'.$model.'_'.$controller.'_'.$action;
$location = cache($cache_name);
if (!$location) {
$map = [
['pid', '<>', 0],
['url_value', '=', strtolower($model.'/'.trim(preg_replace("/[A-Z]/", "_\\0", $controller), "_").'/'.$action)]
// 当前操作对应的节点ID
$curr_id = $id == '' ? self::where($map)->value('id') : $id;
// 获取节点ID是所有父级节点
$location = Tree::getParents(self::column('id,pid,title,url_value,params'), $curr_id);
if ($check && empty($location)) {
throw new Exception('获取不到当前节点地址,可能未添加节点', 9001);
// 剔除最后一个节点url
if ($del_last_url) {
$location[count($location) - 1]['url_value'] = '';
// 非开发模式,缓存菜单
if (config('develop_mode') == 0) {
cache($cache_name, $location);
return $location;
* 根据分组获取节点
* @param string $group 分组名称
* @param bool|string $fields 要返回的字段
* @param array $map 查找条件
* @author 蔡伟明 <>
* @return array
public static function getMenusByGroup($group = '', $fields = true, $map = [])
$map['module'] = $group;
return self::where($map)->order('sort,id')->column($fields, 'id');
* 获取节点分组
* @author 蔡伟明 <>
* @return array
public static function getGroup()
$map['status'] = 1;
$map['pid'] = 0;
$menus = self::where($map)->order('id,sort')->column('module,title');
return $menus;
* 获取所有子节点id
* @param int $pid 父级id
* @author 蔡伟明 <>
* @return array
public static function getChildsId($pid = 0)
$ids = self::where('pid', $pid)->column('id');
foreach ($ids as $value) {
$ids = array_merge($ids, self::getChildsId($value));
return $ids;
* 获取所有父节点id
* @param int $id 节点id
* @author 蔡伟明 <>
* @return array
public static function getParentsId($id = 0)
$pid = self::where('id', $id)->value('pid');
$pids = [];
if ($pid != 0) {
$pids[] = $pid;
$pids = array_merge($pids, self::getParentsId($pid));
return $pids;
* 根据节点id获取上下级的所有id
* @param int $id 节点id
* @author 蔡伟明 <>
* @return array
public static function getLinkIds($id = 0)
$childs = self::getChildsId($id);
$parents = self::getParentsId($id);
return array_merge((array)(int)$id, $childs, $parents);