You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

796 lines
29 KiB

3 years ago
namespace app\admin\controller;
use app\common\builder\ZBuilder;
use app\admin\model\Attachment as AttachmentModel;
use think\Image;
use think\File;
use think\facade\Hook;
use think\Db;
use think\facade\Env;
* 附件控制器
* @package app\admin\controller
class Attachment extends Admin
* 附件列表
* @author 蔡伟明 <>
public function index()
// 查询
$map = $this->getMap();
// 数据列表
$data_list = AttachmentModel::where($map)->order('sort asc,id desc')->paginate();
foreach ($data_list as $key => &$value) {
if (in_array(strtolower($value['ext']), ['jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif', 'bmp'])) {
if ($value['driver'] == 'local') {
$thumb = $value['thumb'] != '' ? $value['thumb'] : $value['path'];
$value['type'] = '<div class="js-gallery"><img class="image" title="点击查看大图" data-original="'. PUBLIC_PATH . $value['path'].'" src="'. PUBLIC_PATH . $thumb.'"></div>';
} else {
$value['type'] = '<div class="js-gallery"><img class="image" title="点击查看大图" data-original="'. $value['path'].'" src="'. $value['path'].'"></div>';
} else {
if ($value['driver'] == 'local') {
$path = PUBLIC_PATH. $value['path'];
} else {
$path = $value['path'];
if (is_file('.'.config('public_static_path').'admin/img/files/'.$value['ext'].'.png')) {
$value['type'] = '<a href="'. $path.'"
data-toggle="tooltip" title="点击下载">
<img class="image" src="'.config('public_static_path').'admin/img/files/'.$value['ext'].'.png"></a>';
} else {
$value['type'] = '<a href="'. $path.'"
data-toggle="tooltip" title="点击下载">
<img class="image" src="'.config('public_static_path').'admin/img/files/file.png"></a>';
// 使用ZBuilder快速创建数据表格
return ZBuilder::make('table')
->setSearch(['name' => '名称']) // 设置搜索框
->addColumns([ // 批量添加数据列
['id', 'ID'],
['type', '类型'],
['name', '名称'],
['size', '大小', 'byte'],
['driver', '上传驱动', parse_attr(Db::name('admin_config')->where('name', 'upload_driver')->value('options'))],
['create_time', '上传时间', 'datetime'],
['status', '状态', 'switch'],
['right_button', '操作', 'btn']
->addTopButtons('enable,disable,delete') // 批量添加顶部按钮
->addRightButtons('delete') // 批量添加右侧按钮
->setRowList($data_list) // 设置表格数据
->fetch(); // 渲染模板
* 上传附件
* @param string $dir 保存的目录:images,files,videos,voices
* @param string $from 来源wangeditorwangEditor编辑器, ueditor:ueditor编辑器, editormd:editormd编辑器等
* @param string $module 来自哪个模块
* @author 蔡伟明 <>
* @return mixed
public function upload($dir = '', $from = '', $module = '')
// 临时取消执行时间限制
if ($dir == '') $this->error('没有指定上传目录');
if ($from == 'ueditor') return $this->ueditor();
if ($from == 'jcrop') return $this->jcrop();
return $this->saveFile($dir, $from, $module);
* 保存附件
* @param string $dir 附件存放的目录
* @param string $from 来源
* @param string $module 来自哪个模块
* @author 蔡伟明 <>
* @return string|\think\response\Json
private function saveFile($dir = '', $from = '', $module = '')
// 附件大小限制
$size_limit = $dir == 'images' ? config('upload_image_size') : config('upload_file_size');
$size_limit = $size_limit * 1024;
// 附件类型限制
$ext_limit = $dir == 'images' ? config('upload_image_ext') : config('upload_file_ext');
$ext_limit = $ext_limit != '' ? parse_attr($ext_limit) : '';
// 缩略图参数
$thumb = $this->request->post('thumb', '');
// 水印参数
$watermark = $this->request->post('watermark', '');
// 获取附件数据
$callback = '';
switch ($from) {
case 'editormd':
$file_input_name = 'editormd-image-file';
case 'ckeditor':
$file_input_name = 'upload';
$callback = $this->request->get('CKEditorFuncNum');
case 'ueditor_scrawl':
return $this->saveScrawl();
$file_input_name = 'file';
$file = $this->request->file($file_input_name);
// 判断附件是否已存在
if ($file_exists = AttachmentModel::get(['md5' => $file->hash('md5')])) {
if ($file_exists['driver'] == 'local') {
$file_path = PUBLIC_PATH. $file_exists['path'];
} else {
$file_path = $file_exists['path'];
// 附件已存在
return $this->uploadSuccess($from, $file_path, $file_exists['name'], $file_exists['id'], $callback);
// 判断附件大小是否超过限制
if ($size_limit > 0 && ($file->getInfo('size') > $size_limit)) {
return $this->uploadError($from, '附件过大', $callback);
// 判断附件格式是否符合
$file_name = $file->getInfo('name');
$file_ext = strtolower(substr($file_name, strrpos($file_name, '.')+1));
$error_msg = '';
if ($ext_limit == '') {
$error_msg = '获取文件信息失败!';
if ($file->getMime() == 'text/x-php' || $file->getMime() == 'text/html') {
$error_msg = '禁止上传非法文件!';
if (preg_grep("/php/i", $ext_limit)) {
$error_msg = '禁止上传非法文件!';
if (!preg_grep("/$file_ext/i", $ext_limit)) {
$error_msg = '附件类型不正确!';
if ($error_msg != '') {
// 上传错误
return $this->uploadError($from, $error_msg, $callback);
// 附件上传钩子,用于第三方文件上传扩展
if (config('upload_driver') != 'local') {
$hook_result = Hook::listen('upload_attachment', ['file' => $file, 'from' => $from, 'module' => $module], true);
if (false !== $hook_result) {
return $hook_result;
// 移动到框架应用根目录/uploads/ 目录下
$info = $file->move(config('upload_path') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $dir);
// 缩略图路径
$thumb_path_name = '';
// 图片宽度
$img_width = '';
// 图片高度
$img_height = '';
if ($dir == 'images') {
$img = Image::open($info);
$img_width = $img->width();
$img_height = $img->height();
// 水印功能
if ($watermark == '') {
if (config('upload_thumb_water') == 1 && config('upload_thumb_water_pic') > 0) {
$this->create_water($info->getRealPath(), config('upload_thumb_water_pic'));
} else {
if (strtolower($watermark) != 'close') {
list($watermark_img, $watermark_pos, $watermark_alpha) = explode('|', $watermark);
$this->create_water($info->getRealPath(), $watermark_img, $watermark_pos, $watermark_alpha);
// 生成缩略图
if ($thumb == '') {
if (config('upload_image_thumb') != '') {
$thumb_path_name = $this->create_thumb($info, $info->getPathInfo()->getfileName(), $info->getFilename());
} else {
if (strtolower($thumb) != 'close') {
list($thumb_size, $thumb_type) = explode('|', $thumb);
$thumb_path_name = $this->create_thumb($info, $info->getPathInfo()->getfileName(), $info->getFilename(), $thumb_size, $thumb_type);
// 获取附件信息
$file_info = [
'uid' => session('user_auth.uid'),
'name' => $file->getInfo('name'),
'mime' => $file->getInfo('type'),
'path' => 'uploads/' . $dir . '/' . str_replace('\\', '/', $info->getSaveName()),
'ext' => $info->getExtension(),
'size' => $info->getSize(),
'md5' => $info->hash('md5'),
'sha1' => $info->hash('sha1'),
'thumb' => $thumb_path_name,
'module' => $module,
'width' => $img_width,
'height' => $img_height,
// 写入数据库
if ($file_add = AttachmentModel::create($file_info)) {
$file_path = PUBLIC_PATH. $file_info['path'];
return $this->uploadSuccess($from, $file_path, $file_info['name'], $file_add['id'], $callback);
} else {
return $this->uploadError($from, '上传失败', $callback);
return $this->uploadError($from, $file->getError(), $callback);
* 处理ueditor上传
* @author 蔡伟明 <>
* @return string|\think\response\Json
private function ueditor(){
$action = $this->request->get('action');
$config_file = './static/libs/ueditor/php/config.json';
$config = json_decode(preg_replace("/\/\*[\s\S]+?\*\//", "", file_get_contents($config_file)), true);
switch ($action) {
/* 获取配置信息 */
case 'config':
$result = $config;
/* 上传图片 */
case 'uploadimage':
return $this->saveFile('images', 'ueditor');
/* 上传涂鸦 */
case 'uploadscrawl':
return $this->saveFile('images', 'ueditor_scrawl');
/* 上传视频 */
case 'uploadvideo':
return $this->saveFile('videos', 'ueditor');
/* 上传附件 */
case 'uploadfile':
return $this->saveFile('files', 'ueditor');
/* 列出图片 */
case 'listimage':
return $this->showFile('listimage', $config);
/* 列出附件 */
case 'listfile':
return $this->showFile('listfile', $config);
/* 抓取远程附件 */
// case 'catchimage':
// $result = include("action_crawler.php");
// break;
$result = ['state' => '请求地址出错'];
/* 输出结果 */
if (isset($_GET["callback"])) {
if (preg_match("/^[\w_]+$/", $_GET["callback"])) {
return htmlspecialchars($_GET["callback"]) . '(' . $result . ')';
} else {
return json(['state' => 'callback参数不合法']);
} else {
return json($result);
* 保存涂鸦ueditor
* @author 蔡伟明 <>
* @return \think\response\Json
private function saveScrawl()
$file = $this->request->post('file');
$file_content = base64_decode($file);
$file_name = md5($file) . '.jpg';
$dir = config('upload_path') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'images' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . date('Ymd', $this->request->time());
$file_path = $dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file_name;
if (!is_dir($dir)) {
mkdir($dir, 0755, true);
if (false === file_put_contents($file_path, $file_content)) {
return json(['state' => '涂鸦上传出错']);
$file = new File($file_path);
$img = Image::open($file);
$file_info = [
'uid' => session('user_auth.uid'),
'name' => $file_name,
'mime' => 'image/png',
'path' => 'uploads/images/' . date('Ymd', $this->request->time()) . '/' . $file_name,
'ext' => 'png',
'size' => $file->getSize(),
'md5' => $file->hash('md5'),
'sha1' => $file->hash('sha1'),
'module' => $this->request->module(),
'width' => $img->width(),
'height' => $img->height()
if ($file_add = AttachmentModel::create($file_info)) {
// 返回成功信息
return json([
"state" => "SUCCESS", // 上传状态,上传成功时必须返回"SUCCESS"
"url" => PUBLIC_PATH. $file_info['path'], // 返回的地址
"title" => $file_info['name'], // 附件名
} else {
return json(['state' => '涂鸦上传出错']);
* 显示附件列表ueditor
* @param string $type 类型
* @param $config
* @author 蔡伟明 <>
* @return \think\response\Json
private function showFile($type, $config){
/* 判断类型 */
switch ($type) {
/* 列出附件 */
case 'listfile':
$allowFiles = $config['fileManagerAllowFiles'];
$listSize = $config['fileManagerListSize'];
$path = realpath(config('upload_path') .'/files/');
/* 列出图片 */
case 'listimage':
$allowFiles = $config['imageManagerAllowFiles'];
$listSize = $config['imageManagerListSize'];
$path = realpath(config('upload_path') .'/images/');
$allowFiles = substr(str_replace(".", "|", join("", $allowFiles)), 1);
/* 获取参数 */
$size = isset($_GET['size']) ? htmlspecialchars($_GET['size']) : $listSize;
$start = isset($_GET['start']) ? htmlspecialchars($_GET['start']) : 0;
$end = $start + $size;
/* 获取附件列表 */
$files = $this->getfiles($path, $allowFiles);
if (!count($files)) {
return json(array(
"state" => "no match file",
"list" => array(),
"start" => $start,
"total" => count($files)
/* 获取指定范围的列表 */
$len = count($files);
for ($i = min($end, $len) - 1, $list = array(); $i < $len && $i >= 0 && $i >= $start; $i--){
$list[] = $files[$i];
//for ($i = $end, $list = array(); $i < $len && $i < $end; $i++){
// $list[] = $files[$i];
/* 返回数据 */
$result = array(
"state" => "SUCCESS",
"list" => $list,
"start" => $start,
"total" => count($files)
return json($result);
* 处理Jcrop图片裁剪
* @author 蔡伟明 <>
private function jcrop()
$file_path = $this->request->post('path', '');
$cut_info = $this->request->post('cut', '');
$thumb = $this->request->post('thumb', '');
$watermark = $this->request->post('watermark', '');
$module = $this->request->param('module', '');
// 上传图片
if ($file_path == '') {
$file = $this->request->file('file');
// 附件类型限制
$ext_limit = config('upload_image_ext');
$ext_limit = $ext_limit != '' ? parse_attr($ext_limit) : '';
// 判断附件格式是否符合
$file_name = $file->getInfo('name');
$file_ext = strtolower(substr($file_name, strrpos($file_name, '.')+1));
if ($ext_limit == '') {
if (strtolower($file_ext) == 'php') {
if ($file->getMime() == 'text/x-php' || $file->getMime() == 'text/html') {
if (preg_grep("/php/i", $ext_limit)) {
if (!preg_grep("/$file_ext/i", $ext_limit)) {
if (!is_dir(config('upload_temp_path'))) {
mkdir(config('upload_temp_path'), 0766, true);
$info = $file->move(config('upload_temp_path'), $file->hash('md5'));
if ($info) {
return json(['code' => 1, 'src' => PUBLIC_PATH. 'uploads/temp/'. $info->getFilename()]);
} else {
$file_path = config('upload_temp_path') . str_replace(PUBLIC_PATH. 'uploads/temp/', '', $file_path);
if (is_file($file_path)) {
// 获取裁剪信息
$cut_info = explode(',', $cut_info);
// 读取图片
$image = Image::open($file_path);
$dir_name = date('Ymd');
$file_dir = config('upload_path') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'images/' . $dir_name . '/';
if (!is_dir($file_dir)) {
mkdir($file_dir, 0766, true);
$file_name = md5(microtime(true)) . '.' . $image->type();
$new_file_path = $file_dir . $file_name;
// 裁剪图片
$image->crop($cut_info[0], $cut_info[1], $cut_info[2], $cut_info[3], $cut_info[4], $cut_info[5])->save($new_file_path);
// 水印功能
if ($watermark == '') {
if (config('upload_thumb_water') == 1 && config('upload_thumb_water_pic') > 0) {
$this->create_water($new_file_path, config('upload_thumb_water_pic'));
} else {
if (strtolower($watermark) != 'close') {
list($watermark_img, $watermark_pos, $watermark_alpha) = explode('|', $watermark);
$this->create_water($new_file_path, $watermark_img, $watermark_pos, $watermark_alpha);
// 是否创建缩略图
$thumb_path_name = '';
if ($thumb == '') {
if (config('upload_image_thumb') != '') {
$thumb_path_name = $this->create_thumb($new_file_path, $dir_name, $file_name);
} else {
if (strtolower($thumb) != 'close') {
list($thumb_size, $thumb_type) = explode('|', $thumb);
$thumb_path_name = $this->create_thumb($new_file_path, $dir_name, $file_name, $thumb_size, $thumb_type);
// 保存图片
$file = new File($new_file_path);
$file_info = [
'uid' => session('user_auth.uid'),
'name' => $file_name,
'mime' => $image->mime(),
'path' => 'uploads/images/' . $dir_name . '/' . $file_name,
'ext' => $image->type(),
'size' => $file->getSize(),
'md5' => $file->hash('md5'),
'sha1' => $file->hash('sha1'),
'thumb' => $thumb_path_name,
'module' => $module,
'width' => $image->width(),
'height' => $image->height()
if ($file_add = AttachmentModel::create($file_info)) {
// 删除临时图片
// 返回成功信息
return json([
'code' => 1,
'id' => $file_add['id'],
'src' => PUBLIC_PATH . $file_info['path'],
'thumb' => $thumb_path_name == '' ? '' : PUBLIC_PATH . $thumb_path_name,
} else {
* 创建缩略图
* @param string $file 目标文件,可以是文件对象或文件路径
* @param string $dir 保存目录,即目标文件所在的目录名
* @param string $save_name 缩略图名
* @param string $thumb_size 尺寸
* @param string $thumb_type 裁剪类型
* @author 蔡伟明 <>
* @return string 缩略图路径
private function create_thumb($file = '', $dir = '', $save_name = '', $thumb_size = '', $thumb_type = '')
// 获取要生成的缩略图最大宽度和高度
$thumb_size = $thumb_size == '' ? config('upload_image_thumb') : $thumb_size;
list($thumb_max_width, $thumb_max_height) = explode(',', $thumb_size);
// 读取图片
$image = Image::open($file);
// 生成缩略图
$thumb_type = $thumb_type == '' ? config('upload_image_thumb_type') : $thumb_type;
$image->thumb($thumb_max_width, $thumb_max_height, $thumb_type);
// 保存缩略图
$thumb_path = config('upload_path') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'images/' . $dir . '/thumb/';
if (!is_dir($thumb_path)) {
mkdir($thumb_path, 0766, true);
$thumb_path_name = $thumb_path. $save_name;
$thumb_path_name = 'uploads/images/' . $dir . '/thumb/' . $save_name;
return $thumb_path_name;
* 添加水印
* @param string $file 要添加水印的文件路径
* @param string $watermark_img 水印图片id
* @param string $watermark_pos 水印位置
* @param string $watermark_alpha 水印透明度
* @author 蔡伟明 <>
private function create_water($file = '', $watermark_img = '', $watermark_pos = '', $watermark_alpha = '')
$path = model('admin/attachment')->getFilePath($watermark_img, 1);
$thumb_water_pic = realpath(Env::get('root_path') . 'public/' . $path);
if (is_file($thumb_water_pic)) {
// 读取图片
$image = Image::open($file);
// 添加水印
$watermark_pos = $watermark_pos == '' ? config('upload_thumb_water_position') : $watermark_pos;
$watermark_alpha = $watermark_alpha == '' ? config('upload_thumb_water_alpha') : $watermark_alpha;
$image->water($thumb_water_pic, $watermark_pos, $watermark_alpha);
// 保存水印图片,覆盖原图
* 上传成功信息
* @param $from
* @param string $file_path
* @param string $file_name
* @param string $file_id
* @param string $callback
* @return string|\think\response\Json
* @author 蔡伟明 <>
private function uploadSuccess($from, $file_path = '', $file_name = '', $file_id = '', $callback = '')
switch ($from) {
case 'wangeditor':
return $file_path;
case 'ueditor':
return json([
"state" => "SUCCESS", // 上传状态,上传成功时必须返回"SUCCESS"
"url" => $file_path, // 返回的地址
"title" => $file_name, // 附件名
case 'editormd':
return json([
"success" => 1,
"message" => '上传成功',
"url" => $file_path,
case 'ckeditor':
return ck_js($callback, $file_path);
return json([
'code' => 1,
'info' => '上传成功',
'class' => 'success',
'id' => $file_id,
'path' => $file_path
* 上传错误信息
* @param $from
* @param string $msg
* @param string $callback
* @return string|\think\response\Json
* @author 蔡伟明 <>
private function uploadError($from, $msg = '', $callback = '')
switch ($from) {
case 'wangeditor':
return "error|".$msg;
case 'ueditor':
return json(['state' => $msg]);
case 'editormd':
return json(["success" => 0, "message" => $msg]);
case 'ckeditor':
return ck_js($callback, '', $msg);
return json([
'code' => 0,
'class' => 'danger',
'info' => $msg
* 遍历获取目录下的指定类型的附件
* @param string $path 路径
* @param string $allowFiles 允许查看的类型
* @param array $files 文件列表
* @author 蔡伟明 <>
* @return array|null
public function getfiles($path = '', $allowFiles = '', &$files = array())
if (!is_dir($path)) return null;
if(substr($path, strlen($path) - 1) != '/') $path .= '/';
$handle = opendir($path);
while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') {
$path2 = $path . $file;
if (is_dir($path2)) {
$this->getfiles($path2, $allowFiles, $files);
} else {
if (preg_match("/\.(".$allowFiles.")$/i", $file)) {
$files[] = array(
'url'=> str_replace("\\", "/", substr($path2, strlen($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']))),
'mtime'=> filemtime($path2)
return $files;
* 启用附件
* @param array $record 行为日志
* @author 蔡伟明 <>
* @return mixed
public function enable($record = [])
return $this->setStatus('enable');
* 禁用附件
* @param array $record 行为日志
* @author 蔡伟明 <>
* @return mixed
public function disable($record = [])
return $this->setStatus('disable');
* 设置附件状态:删除、禁用、启用
* @param string $type 类型delete/enable/disable
* @param array $record
* @author 蔡伟明 <>
* @throws \think\Exception
* @throws \think\exception\PDOException
public function setStatus($type = '', $record = [])
$ids = $this->request->isPost() ? input('post.ids/a') : input('param.ids');
$ids = is_array($ids) ? implode(',', $ids) : $ids;
return parent::setStatus($type, ['attachment_'.$type, 'admin_attachment', 0, UID, $ids]);
* 删除附件
* @param string $ids 附件id
* @author 蔡伟明 <>
* @throws \think\Exception
* @throws \think\exception\PDOException
public function delete($ids = '')
$ids = $this->request->isPost() ? input('post.ids/a') : input('param.ids');
if (empty($ids)) $this->error('缺少主键');
$files_path = AttachmentModel::where('id', 'in', $ids)->column('path,thumb', 'id');
foreach ($files_path as $value) {
$real_path = realpath(config('upload_path').'/../'.$value['path']);
$real_path_thumb = realpath(config('upload_path').'/../'.$value['thumb']);
if (is_file($real_path) && !unlink($real_path)) {
if (is_file($real_path_thumb) && !unlink($real_path_thumb)) {
if (AttachmentModel::where('id', 'in', $ids)->delete()) {
// 记录行为
$ids = is_array($ids) ? implode(',', $ids) : $ids;
action_log('attachment_delete', 'admin_attachment', 0, UID, $ids);
} else {
* 快速编辑
* @param array $record 行为日志
* @author 蔡伟明 <>
* @return mixed
public function quickEdit($record = [])
$id = input('', '');
return parent::quickEdit(['attachment_edit', 'admin_attachment', 0, UID, $id]);