You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

127 lines
5.2 KiB

3 years ago
var factory = function (exports) {
var lang = {
name : "zh-tw",
description : "開源在線Markdown編輯器<br/>Open source online Markdown editor.",
tocTitle : "目錄",
toolbar : {
undo : "撤銷Ctrl+Z",
redo : "重做Ctrl+Y",
bold : "粗體",
del : "刪除線",
italic : "斜體",
quote : "引用",
ucwords : "將所選的每個單詞首字母轉成大寫",
uppercase : "將所選文本轉成大寫",
lowercase : "將所選文本轉成小寫",
h1 : "標題1",
h2 : "標題2",
h3 : "標題3",
h4 : "標題4",
h5 : "標題5",
h6 : "標題6",
"list-ul" : "無序列表",
"list-ol" : "有序列表",
hr : "横线",
link : "链接",
"reference-link" : "引用鏈接",
image : "圖片",
code : "行內代碼",
"preformatted-text" : "預格式文本 / 代碼塊(縮進風格)",
"code-block" : "代碼塊(多語言風格)",
table : "添加表格",
datetime : "日期時間",
emoji : "Emoji 表情",
"html-entities" : "HTML 實體字符",
pagebreak : "插入分頁符",
watch : "關閉實時預覽",
unwatch : "開啟實時預覽",
preview : "全窗口預覽HTML按 Shift + ESC 退出)",
fullscreen : "全屏(按 ESC 退出)",
clear : "清空",
search : "搜尋",
help : "使用幫助",
info : "關於" + exports.title
buttons : {
enter : "確定",
cancel : "取消",
close : "關閉"
dialog : {
link : {
title : "添加鏈接",
url : "鏈接地址",
urlTitle : "鏈接標題",
urlEmpty : "錯誤:請填寫鏈接地址。"
referenceLink : {
title : "添加引用鏈接",
name : "引用名稱",
url : "鏈接地址",
urlId : "鏈接ID",
urlTitle : "鏈接標題",
nameEmpty: "錯誤:引用鏈接的名稱不能為空。",
idEmpty : "錯誤請填寫引用鏈接的ID。",
urlEmpty : "錯誤請填寫引用鏈接的URL地址。"
image : {
title : "添加圖片",
url : "圖片地址",
link : "圖片鏈接",
alt : "圖片描述",
uploadButton : "本地上傳",
imageURLEmpty : "錯誤:圖片地址不能為空。",
uploadFileEmpty : "錯誤:上傳的圖片不能為空!",
formatNotAllowed : "錯誤:只允許上傳圖片文件,允許上傳的圖片文件格式有:"
preformattedText : {
title : "添加預格式文本或代碼塊",
emptyAlert : "錯誤:請填寫預格式文本或代碼的內容。"
codeBlock : {
title : "添加代碼塊",
selectLabel : "代碼語言:",
selectDefaultText : "請語言代碼語言",
otherLanguage : "其他語言",
unselectedLanguageAlert : "錯誤:請選擇代碼所屬的語言類型。",
codeEmptyAlert : "錯誤:請填寫代碼內容。"
htmlEntities : {
title : "HTML實體字符"
help : {
title : "使用幫助"
exports.defaults.lang = lang;
// CommonJS/Node.js
if (typeof require === "function" && typeof exports === "object" && typeof module === "object")
module.exports = factory;
else if (typeof define === "function") // AMD/CMD/Sea.js
if (define.amd) { // for Require.js
define(["editormd"], function(editormd) {
} else { // for Sea.js
define(function(require) {
var editormd = require("../editormd");