You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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3 years ago
namespace app\admin\controller;
use app\common\builder\ZBuilder;
use app\admin\model\Plugin as PluginModel;
use app\admin\model\HookPlugin as HookPluginModel;
use think\facade\Cache;
use util\Sql;
use think\Db;
use think\facade\Hook;
* 插件管理控制器
* @package app\admin\controller
class Plugin extends Admin
* 首页
* @param string $group 分组
* @param string $type 显示类型
* @author 蔡伟明 <>
* @return mixed
public function index($group = 'local', $type = '')
// 配置分组信息
$list_group = ['local' => '本地插件'];
$tab_list = [];
foreach ($list_group as $key => $value) {
$tab_list[$key]['title'] = $value;
$tab_list[$key]['url'] = url('index', ['group' => $key]);
// 监听tab钩子
Hook::listen('plugin_index_tab_list', $tab_list);
switch ($group) {
case 'local':
// 查询条件
$keyword = $this->request->get('keyword', '');
if (input('?param.status') && input('param.status') != '_all') {
$status = input('param.status');
} else {
$status = '';
$PluginModel = new PluginModel;
$result = $PluginModel->getAll($keyword, $status);
if ($result['plugins'] === false) {
$type_show = Cache::get('plugin_type_show');
$type_show = $type != '' ? $type : ($type_show == false ? 'block' : $type_show);
Cache::set('plugin_type_show', $type_show);
$type = $type_show == 'block' ? 'list' : 'block';
$this->assign('page_title', '插件管理');
$this->assign('plugins', $result['plugins']);
$this->assign('total', $result['total']);
$this->assign('tab_nav', ['tab_list' => $tab_list, 'curr_tab' => $group]);
$this->assign('type', $type);
return $this->fetch();
case 'online':
* 安装插件
* @param string $name 插件标识
* @author 蔡伟明 <>
public function install($name = '')
// 设置最大执行时间和内存大小
ini_set('max_execution_time', '0');
ini_set('memory_limit', '1024M');
$plug_name = trim($name);
if ($plug_name == '') $this->error('插件不存在!');
$plugin_class = get_plugin_class($plug_name);
if (!class_exists($plugin_class)) {
// 实例化插件
$plugin = new $plugin_class;
// 插件预安装
if(!$plugin->install()) {
$this->error('插件预安装失败!原因:'. $plugin->getError());
// 添加钩子
if (isset($plugin->hooks) && !empty($plugin->hooks)) {
if (!HookPluginModel::addHooks($plugin->hooks, $name)) {
cache('hook_plugins', null);
// 执行安装插件sql文件
$sql_file = realpath(config('plugin_path').$name.'/install.sql');
if (file_exists($sql_file)) {
if (isset($plugin->database_prefix) && $plugin->database_prefix != '') {
$sql_statement = Sql::getSqlFromFile($sql_file, false, [$plugin->database_prefix => config('database.prefix')]);
} else {
$sql_statement = Sql::getSqlFromFile($sql_file);
if (!empty($sql_statement)) {
foreach ($sql_statement as $value) {
// 插件配置信息
$plugin_info = $plugin->info;
// 验证插件信息
$result = $this->validate($plugin_info, 'Plugin');
// 验证失败 输出错误信息
if(true !== $result) $this->error($result);
// 并入插件配置值
$plugin_info['config'] = $plugin->getConfigValue();
// 将插件信息写入数据库
if (PluginModel::create($plugin_info)) {
cache('plugin_all', null);
} else {
* 卸载插件
* @param string $name 插件标识
* @author 蔡伟明 <>
* @throws \think\Exception
* @throws \think\exception\PDOException
public function uninstall($name = '')
$plug_name = trim($name);
if ($plug_name == '') $this->error('插件不存在!');
$class = get_plugin_class($plug_name);
if (!class_exists($class)) {
// 实例化插件
$plugin = new $class;
// 插件预卸
if(!$plugin->uninstall()) {
$this->error('插件预卸载失败!原因:'. $plugin->getError());
// 卸载插件自带钩子
if (isset($plugin->hooks) && !empty($plugin->hooks)) {
if (false === HookPluginModel::deleteHooks($plug_name)) {
cache('hook_plugins', null);
// 执行卸载插件sql文件
$sql_file = realpath(config('plugin_path').$plug_name.'/uninstall.sql');
if (file_exists($sql_file)) {
if (isset($plugin->database_prefix) && $plugin->database_prefix != '') {
$sql_statement = Sql::getSqlFromFile($sql_file, true, [$plugin->database_prefix => config('database.prefix')]);
} else {
$sql_statement = Sql::getSqlFromFile($sql_file, true);
if (!empty($sql_statement)) {
// 删除插件信息
if (PluginModel::where('name', $plug_name)->delete()) {
cache('plugin_all', null);
} else {
* 插件管理
* @param string $name 插件名
* @author 蔡伟明 <>
* @return mixed
* @throws \think\Exception
public function manage($name = '')
cookie('__forward__', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
// 加载自定义后台页面
if (plugin_action_exists($name, 'Admin', 'index')) {
return plugin_action($name, 'Admin', 'index');
// 加载系统的后台页面
$class = get_plugin_class($name);
if (!class_exists($class)) {
// 实例化插件
$plugin = new $class;
// 获取后台字段信息,并分析
if (isset($plugin->admin)) {
$admin = $this->parseAdmin($plugin->admin);
} else {
$admin = $this->parseAdmin();
if (!plugin_model_exists($name)) {
$this->error('插件: '.$name.' 缺少模型文件!');
// 获取插件模型实例
$PluginModel = get_plugin_model($name);
$order = $this->getOrder();
$map = $this->getMap();
$data_list = $PluginModel->where($map)->order($order)->paginate();
$page = $data_list->render();
// 使用ZBuilder快速创建数据表格
$builder = ZBuilder::make('table')
->setPageTitle($admin['title']) // 设置页面标题
->setSearch($admin['search_field'], $admin['search_title']) // 设置搜索框
->addTopButton('back', [
'title' => '返回插件列表',
'icon' => 'fa fa-reply',
'href' => url('index')
->addTopButtons($admin['top_buttons']) // 批量添加顶部按钮
->addRightButtons($admin['right_buttons']); // 批量添加右侧按钮
// 自定义顶部按钮
if (!empty($admin['custom_top_buttons'])) {
foreach ($admin['custom_top_buttons'] as $custom) {
$builder->addTopButton('custom', $custom);
// 自定义右侧按钮
if (!empty($admin['custom_right_buttons'])) {
foreach ($admin['custom_right_buttons'] as $custom) {
$builder->addRightButton('custom', $custom);
// 表头筛选
if (is_array($admin['filter'])) {
foreach ($admin['filter'] as $column => $params) {
$options = isset($params[0]) ? $params[0] : [];
$default = isset($params[1]) ? $params[1] : [];
$type = isset($params[2]) ? $params[2] : 'checkbox';
$builder->addFilter($column, $options, $default, $type);
} else {
return $builder
->addColumns($admin['columns']) // 批量添加数据列
->setRowList($data_list) // 设置表格数据
->setPages($page) // 设置分页数据
->fetch(); // 渲染模板
* 插件新增方法
* @param string $plugin_name 插件名称
* @author 蔡伟明 <>
* @return mixed
* @throws \think\Exception
public function add($plugin_name = '')
// 如果存在自定义的新增方法,则优先执行
if (plugin_action_exists($plugin_name, 'Admin', 'add')) {
$params = $this->request->param();
return plugin_action($plugin_name, 'Admin', 'add', $params);
// 保存数据
if ($this->request->isPost()) {
$data = $this->request->post();
// 执行插件的验证器(如果存在的话)
if (plugin_validate_exists($plugin_name)) {
$plugin_validate = get_plugin_validate($plugin_name);
if (!$plugin_validate->check($data)) {
// 验证失败 输出错误信息
// 实例化模型并添加数据
$PluginModel = get_plugin_model($plugin_name);
if ($PluginModel->data($data)->save()) {
$this->success('新增成功', cookie('__forward__'));
} else {
// 获取插件模型
$class = get_plugin_class($plugin_name);
if (!class_exists($class)) {
// 实例化插件
$plugin = new $class;
if (!isset($plugin->fields)) {
// 使用ZBuilder快速创建表单
return ZBuilder::make('form')
* 编辑插件方法
* @param string $id 数据id
* @param string $plugin_name 插件名称
* @author 蔡伟明 <>
* @return mixed
* @throws \think\Exception
public function edit($id = '', $plugin_name = '')
// 如果存在自定义的编辑方法,则优先执行
if (plugin_action_exists($plugin_name, 'Admin', 'edit')) {
$params = $this->request->param();
return plugin_action($plugin_name, 'Admin', 'edit', $params);
// 保存数据
if ($this->request->isPost()) {
$data = $this->request->post();
// 执行插件的验证器(如果存在的话)
if (plugin_validate_exists($plugin_name)) {
$plugin_validate = get_plugin_validate($plugin_name);
if (!$plugin_validate->check($data)) {
// 验证失败 输出错误信息
// 实例化模型并添加数据
$PluginModel = get_plugin_model($plugin_name);
if (false !== $PluginModel->isUpdate(true)->save($data)) {
$this->success('编辑成功', cookie('__forward__'));
} else {
// 获取插件类名
$class = get_plugin_class($plugin_name);
if (!class_exists($class)) {
// 实例化插件
$plugin = new $class;
if (!isset($plugin->fields)) {
// 获取数据
$PluginModel = get_plugin_model($plugin_name);
$info = $PluginModel->find($id);
if (!$info) {
// 使用ZBuilder快速创建表单
return ZBuilder::make('form')
* 插件参数设置
* @param string $name 插件名称
* @author 蔡伟明 <>
* @return mixed
* @throws \think\Exception
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
* @throws \think\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\exception\PDOException
public function config($name = '')
// 更新配置
if ($this->request->isPost()) {
$data = $this->request->post();
$data = json_encode($data);
if (false !== PluginModel::where('name', $name)->update(['config' => $data])) {
$this->success('更新成功', 'index');
} else {
$plugin_class = get_plugin_class($name);
// 实例化插件
$plugin = new $plugin_class;
$trigger = isset($plugin->trigger) ? $plugin->trigger : [];
// 插件配置值
$info = PluginModel::where('name', $name)->field('id,name,config')->find();
$db_config = json_decode($info['config'], true);
// 插件配置项
$config = include config('plugin_path'). $name. '/config.php';
// 使用ZBuilder快速创建表单
return ZBuilder::make('form')
* 设置状态
* @param string $type 状态类型:enable/disable
* @param array $record 行为日志内容
* @author 蔡伟明 <>
* @throws \think\Exception
* @throws \think\exception\PDOException
public function setStatus($type = '', $record = [])
$_t = input('param._t', '');
$ids = $this->request->isPost() ? input('post.ids/a') : input('param.ids');
empty($ids) && $this->error('缺少主键');
$status = $type == 'enable' ? 1 : 0;
if ($_t != '') {
parent::setStatus($type, $record);
} else {
$plugins = PluginModel::where('id', 'in', $ids)->value('name');
if ($plugins) {
if (false !== PluginModel::where('id', 'in', $ids)->setField('status', $status)) {
} else {
* 禁用插件/禁用插件数据
* @param array $record 行为日志内容
* @author 蔡伟明 <>
* @throws \think\Exception
* @throws \think\exception\PDOException
public function disable($record = [])
* 启用插件/启用插件数据
* @param array $record 行为日志内容
* @author 蔡伟明 <>
* @throws \think\Exception
* @throws \think\exception\PDOException
public function enable($record = [])
* 删除插件数据
* @param array $record
* @author 蔡伟明 <>
* @throws \think\Exception
* @throws \think\exception\PDOException
public function delete($record = [])
* 执行插件内部方法
* @author 蔡伟明 <>
* @return mixed
public function execute()
$plugin = input('param._plugin');
$controller = input('param._controller');
$action = input('param._action');
$params = $this->request->except(['_plugin', '_controller', '_action'], 'param');
if (empty($plugin) || empty($controller) || empty($action)) {
if (!plugin_action_exists($plugin, $controller, $action)) {
return plugin_action($plugin, $controller, $action, $params);
* 分析后台字段信息
* @param array $data 字段信息
* @author 蔡伟明 <>
* @return array
private function parseAdmin($data = [])
$admin = [
'title' => '数据列表',
'search_title' => '',
'search_field' => [],
'order' => '',
'filter' => '',
'table_name' => '',
'columns' => [],
'right_buttons' => [],
'top_buttons' => [],
'customs' => [],
if (empty($data)) {
return $admin;
// 处理工具栏按钮链接
if (isset($data['top_buttons']) && !empty($data['top_buttons'])) {
$this->parseButton('top_buttons', $data);
// 处理右侧按钮链接
if (isset($data['right_buttons']) && !empty($data['right_buttons'])) {
$this->parseButton('right_buttons', $data);
return array_merge($admin, $data);
* 解析按钮链接
* @param string $button 按钮名称
* @param array $data 字段信息
* @author 蔡伟明 <>
private function parseButton($button, &$data)
foreach ($data[$button] as $key => &$value) {
// 处理自定义按钮
if ($key === 'customs') {
if (!empty($value)) {
foreach ($value as &$custom) {
if (isset($custom['href']['url']) && $custom['href']['url'] != '') {
$params = isset($custom['href']['params']) ? $custom['href']['params'] : [];
$custom['href'] = plugin_url($custom['href']['url'], $params);
$data['custom_'.$button][] = $custom;
if (!is_numeric($key) && isset($value['href']['url']) && $value['href']['url'] != '') {
$value['href'] = plugin_url($value['href']['url']);