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3 years ago
* Http服务端类
* User: fantasticbin
* Date: 2020/1/15
class Http
const HOST = '';
const PORT = 8080;
protected $read_num = null;
public $server = null;
public function __construct()
// 创建Http服务器监听本机的所有地址并监听 8080 端口
$this->server = new Swoole\Http\Server(self::HOST, self::PORT);
// 设置响应html文件模式以及定义路径
'worker_num' => 2,
'enable_static_handler' => true,
'document_root' => dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/Template'
// 设置异步AIO线程数量
'thread_num' => 10,
// 监听启动
$this->server->on('Start', [$this, 'onStart']);
// 监听请求并输出内容
$this->server->on('Request', [$this, 'onRequest']);
* 监听启动,修改主进程名称,便于执行平滑重启
public function onStart()
* 监听请求并输出内容
* @param $request object 请求对象
* @param $response object 响应对象
public function onRequest($request, $response)
// 优化请求,防止图标再次请求浪费资源
if ($request->server['request_uri'] == '/favicon.ico') {
return ;
$get = json_encode($request->get);
$html = <<<EOT
<h1>Hello Swoole.</h1>
<h2>The get request is {$get}</h2>
// 记录访问日志
$log = [
'time' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
'get' => $request->get,
'post' => $request->post,
'header' => $request->header
if (!is_dir(__DIR__ . '/log')) {
mkdir(__DIR__ . '/log');
Swoole\Async::writeFile(__DIR__ . '/log/access.log', json_encode($log) . PHP_EOL, function($filename) {}, FILE_APPEND);
// 在MySQL数据库中增加访问量
// 读取redis里的访问量数据如无则从常量中定义
// 设置响应头信息
$response->header('Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=utf-8');
// 设置cookie信息
$response->cookie('code', 'Hello world', time() + 1800);
// 输出显示内容
* 增加访问量方法
public function addReadNum()
$update_db = new Swoole\Coroutine\MySQL();
$select_db = new Swoole\Coroutine\MySQL();
$config = [
'host' => '',
'port' => 3306,
'user' => 'swoole',
'password' => 'Zhang1994)!)(',
'database' => 'swoole',
'charset' => 'utf8mb4',
'timeout' => 2
// 进行MySQL数据库连接
$conn_res = $select_db->connect($config);
if ($conn_res === false) {
echo 'MySQL connect error!' . PHP_EOL;
var_dump($select_db->connect_errno, $select_db->connect_error) . PHP_EOL;
throw new Swoole\ExitException('program exit.');
// 获取到访问量的数据
$result = $select_db->query('SELECT read_num FROM test WHERE id = 1');
if ($result !== false) {
if (isset($result[0]['read_num'])) $this->read_num = $result[0]['read_num'];
echo 'MySQL execute success, data: ' . PHP_EOL;
// 一定要记得关闭MySQL连接
// 进行MySQL数据库连接这里是并发再开启一个MySQL连接进程
$conn_res = $update_db->connect($config);
if ($conn_res === false) {
echo 'MySQL connect error!' . PHP_EOL;
var_dump($update_db->connect_errno, $update_db->connect_error) . PHP_EOL;
throw new Swoole\ExitException('program exit.');
// 执行增加访问量的语句并处理结果
$result = $update_db->query('UPDATE test SET read_num = read_num + 1 WHERE id = 1');
if ($result !== false) {
echo 'MySQL execute success, affected rows: ' . $update_db->affected_rows . ', insert id: ' . $update_db->insert_id . PHP_EOL;
// 一定要记得关闭MySQL连接
* 读取redis里的访问量数据如无则从常量中定义
public function getReadNum()
$redis = new Swoole\Coroutine\Redis();
$redis->connect('', 6379);
$read_num = $redis->get('read_num');
if (empty($read_num)) {
if (!isset($this->read_num)) {
throw new Swoole\ExitException('Read num not exist!');
$read_num = $this->read_num;
$redis->set('read_num', $read_num);
echo 'The data from MySQL.' . PHP_EOL;
} else {
echo 'The data from Redis.' . PHP_EOL;
echo "The redis read num is: {$read_num}";
* 启动Http服务器
public function start()
$http = new Http();