# 每周一起背10句 | week 06 你好,我是英语专栏的编辑阿锦,欢迎来到第6期的“每周一起背10句”。 本周我们学完了第三篇语料,并且开始阅读第四篇语料。从第四篇语料,陈老师开始带领我们用全文通读的方法来阅读文章。不知道这个方法你掌握了吗? 这周的句子都很棒,很多句子在工作中都能用得到。你可以背完之后,试试用在自己的工作场景中。话不多说,我们一起来背诵! * * * 例句1:Establishing a high level of trust among remote managers and employees starts with having good meeting rituals. 翻译:在远程工作过程中,经理和员工之间的高度信任始于一套良好的会议仪式。 例句2:Managers must lead by example, because what you do is more important than what you say. 翻译:经理们必须以身作则,因为你的行动比你的言辞更重要。 例句3:Joe left my house around 5 pm, and was hit by a car about 30 minutes later. 翻译:乔下午五点左右离开我家,大约三十分钟后就被车撞了。 例句4:While everyone does not need to be co-located all the time, there are some situations which are only really effective when a team is all together. 翻译:虽然大家不需要总在同一地点办公,但有些工作要想真正有效开展,只有把一个团队的所有人员都聚到一起。 例句5:While remote work is very appealing to some employees, it does come with some trade-offs. 翻译:虽然远程工作对一些员工来说很有吸引力,但也一定有得有失。 例句6:Trust and openness is critically important, and allows team members to recognize when someone is struggling, and help them cope, including seeking professional help. 翻译:信任和坦诚非常重要,它能让团队成员发觉有同事在挣扎,并帮助他们应对,包括寻求专业的帮助。 例句7:Pets, exercise, and getting into nature can also help improve mental well-being. 翻译:养宠物、运动和融入大自然也可以帮助改善心理健康。 例句8:Several demonstrators broke through the barriers despite warnings from the police. 翻译:几名示威者不顾警方的警告,冲破了封锁线。 例句9:It is possible that at this election some of the minority parties might succeed in breaking through into parliament. 翻译:在这次选举中,一些少数派政党有可能获得突破,赢得议会的席位。 例句10:Statistics disprove the myth that women are worse drivers than men. 翻译:统计数据驳斥了女司机不如男司机的成见。