# 每周一起背10句 | week 04 你好,我是英语专栏的编辑阿锦,欢迎来到第4期的“每周一起背10句”。 本周我们完成了第二篇语料的学习。我们一起读了很多漂亮的句子。不知道学到现在,你再阅读英文句子的时候,能够快速分离出主干和枝叶吗?如果还不行,那要继续加油,勤加练习哦! 这里,我依然从本周学过的句子中,抽选出10句非常棒的句子,带你一起来复习、背诵,希望你能一直坚持下去!你可以熟读,直到背诵,然后把句子默写下来,把它们变成你自己的东西! * * * 例句1:Although I don’t like him, I agree he is a good manager. 翻译:虽然我不喜欢他,但我承认他是一个出色的经理人。 例句2:I’m sorry, I think sleep deprivation contributed to my outburst just then. 翻译:抱歉,睡眠不足让我刚才情绪失控了。 例句3:The second benefit is teams’ ability to safely experiment and fail fast. 翻译:第二个好处是团队能够安全地进行实验并获得“快速失败”的能力。 例句4:I empowered my agent to close the deal. 翻译:我授权我的经纪人完成这笔交易。 例句5:The third benefit open source offers is a better way of building software. 翻译:开源的第三个好处是提高软件开发质量。 例句6:Well, my mom is really sick, which means that we might have exposed the kids to the flu virus when we had her watch them last week. 翻译:嗯,我妈妈病得很重,这意味着上周我们让她看孩子的时候,可能已经让他们接触了流感病毒。 例句7:As an immediate result, their teams doubled the amount of code that was developed and shared, which directly reduced the amount and cost of redundant code. 翻译:立竿见影的结果是团队将开发和共享的代码量增加了一倍,直接减少了冗余代码的数量和成本。 例句8:According to Aitken, the quality of the code increased dramatically because it was exposed to everyone inside the organization. 翻译:按照埃特金的说法,由于代码对组织内每一个人开放,代码的质量得以大幅提升。 例句9:This led to software developers taking more care in the software they were writing. 翻译:这也使得软件开发人员在编写软件时更加用心。 例句10:Open source is evolving at a rapid pace, and developers learn new open source technologies every few years. 翻译:开源软件发展迅猛,开发人员每隔几年就要学习新的开源技术。