# 每周一起背10句 | week 02 你好,我是英语专栏的编辑阿锦,欢迎来到第2期的“每周一起背10句”。 本周我们继续阅读了The Product-Minded Software Engineer这篇文章的第三段到第六段。我在留言区和部落都有看到,大家的学习热情都很高涨!这里我依然从本周学过的句子中,抽选出10句非常棒的句子,带你一起来复习、背诵,希望你能一直坚持下去! 你可以熟读,直到背诵,然后把句子默写下来。同时,我在每句话里标出了我们的核心词,你可以用英语去形容一下这些词的意思,回想一下它的词组、搭配以及使用场景。如果有时间,也可以尝试用这些单词或词组来造句! * * * 例句1:Apple will unveil a 10-inch touchscreen tablet device in January, and ship the product in March. 翻译:苹果将于一月份推出10英寸触屏平板电脑,并于三月份发货。 例句2:We define an iteration as a phase or a milestone. 翻译:我们将一次迭代定义为一个阶段或一个里程碑。 例句3:Her husband was unsympathetic and she felt she had no one to turn to. 翻译:她的丈夫不懂得体恤人,她觉得无人可以依靠。 例句4:Steve Jobs was a gifted communicator, and he used this skill to capture the attention of millions. 翻译:乔布斯是一个有天赋的沟通者,他用这种技巧吸引了数百万人的注意力。 例句5:Life is full of trade-offs. You cannot have your cake and eat it too. 翻译:生活充满了取舍。鱼和熊掌不可兼得。 例句6:Point Break was a breakout film for Kathryn Bigelow in 1991. 翻译:凯瑟琳·毕格罗于1991年拍摄了《惊爆点》,该片突破了她之前的风格。 例句7:I have little knowledge of computer and business, can I still learn Navisio? 翻译:我对计算机和商业知之甚少,我还能学习Navision系统吗? 例句8:I was juggling books, shopping bags and the baby. 翻译:我手里又是书,又是购物袋,还抱着孩子,跟演杂技一样。 例句9:I’ve always felt that tragedy and comedy are two sides of the same coin. Love and hate are the opposite sides of the same coin. 祸福相依、爱恨交织。/ 塞翁失马焉知非福。 例句10:My computer keeps going funny. 翻译:我的计算机老出故障。