# 每周一起背10句 | week 01 你好,我是英语专栏的编辑阿锦,欢迎来到第1期的“每周一起背10句”。 我们的陈老师说啦,语言学习有方法但无捷径。不论多少,每天听和读,贵在坚持。所以呢,为了帮助你真正吃透我们学过的内容,每周我都会从本周学过的句子中,抽选出10句非常棒的句子。 你可以熟读,直到背诵,然后把句子默写下来。同时,我在每句话里标出了我们的核心词,你可以用英语去形容一下这些词的意思,回想一下它的词组、搭配以及使用场景。如果有余力,也可以尝试用这些单词或词组来造句! * * * 例句1:The United States is a sports-minded country, with millions of fans who follow football, baseball, basketball and hockey, among other sports. 翻译:美国是一个体育意识很强的国家,有数以百万计的球迷关注足球、棒球、篮球和曲棍球等体育运动。 例句2:The difference between proactive people and reactive people is that proactive people take initiative, and they come up with ideas to get things done despite the conditions they are in. Reactive people, on the other hand, usually are the ones to react to a situation rather than take initiative to create a situation. 翻译:积极主动的人和消极被动的人之间的区别在于,积极主动的人会采取主动,无论他们所处的环境如何,都会想出办法来完成任务;而消极被动型的人通常只会对形势做出被动的反应,而不会主动采取行动去创造形势。 例句3:Don’t jump to conclusions! Perhaps it was his daughter he was dancing with. 翻译:别匆忙下结论,和他跳舞的没准是他女儿呢。 例句4:The workers approached the manager with a request for shorter working hours. 翻译:工人们找经理要求减少工作时间。 例句5:His sober approach to the crisis averted a catastrophe. 翻译:他对危机的冷静处理避免了一场大灾难。 例句6:They take the time to understand how the business works, how the product fits in, and what its goals are. 翻译:他们会花时间去了解企业是如何商业运作的,产品又是如何配合商业运作,以及最终要达到什么样的商业目标。 例句7:You need to work hard—opportunities don’t just come out of thin air. 翻译:你得努力啦,机会不会凭空产生(天上不会掉馅饼)。 例句8:He is empathetic with the jobless youth, as he was also struggling for a job in his early years. 翻译:他对失业的年轻人感同身受,因为他自己早年也为找工作挣扎过。 例句9:Social media technologies have given companies access to an unprecedented flood of new analytics, metrics and user data. 翻译:有了社交网络之后,企业获取了空前大量的新分析方法、度量指标和用户数据。 例句10:Steve Jobs was a gifted communicator, and he used this skill to capture the attention of millions. 翻译:乔布斯是一个有天赋的沟通者,他用这种技巧吸引了数百万人的注意力。