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2 years ago
# 每周一起背10句 | week 08
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**This one** seems to **make** sense if engineers were creative, wouldnt they have decided to be artists, writers, or some other "**Fine Arts" profession**? Wrong!
The key word in **being creative** is right there to create! Engineers create products, services, and processes that influence people every day.
Whether **your work goes into** consumer applications, devices, or machines, the **end product** of engineering work is used by other people.
If engineers **suppressed** their creativity, they would **miss out on** a lot of **insights** into ways to solve problems than they otherwise would.
Every day, engineers need to find new ways to **think outside the box** to **tackle new challenges**.
They have the **fabulous** opportunity and responsibility of imagining ways in which the world could be different and then creating ways to make that happen.
That is **at the heart of** what creativity is all about and it should be **inspiring and exciting** for engineers.
For example, engineering innovations have been a big part of healthcare **improvement** over the years.
From data analysis to efficient software systems, to surgery machines, to providing treatment tracking and recommendations, engineering truly saves lives daily.