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# 23练习paraphrase的最终目的是有一天可以不再需要它
上一节,我们利用[Breaking through Three Common Engineering Myths](这篇文章第三部分中的两段话介绍了英语学习中常用的一种训练方法paraphrase也就是用你自己的语言把别人说过的话或写的文章以另一种不同的方式表达出来。这是一个一举多得的好方法可以帮助我们进行词汇学习同时又可以练习阅读与写作。
## 课前朗读
> The third myth seems easy to understand if engineers were creative, wouldnt they have decided to be artists, writers, or entered professions like paintings or sculpture? Wrong! The essence of creativity is to create! Engineers create products, services, and processes that affect people every day. Whether your effort was spent to create consumer applications, devices, or machines, the final result of engineering work is used by other people. If engineers prevented their creativity from developing, they would not have the chance to a clear understanding of ways to solve problems than they otherwise would.
> Every day, engineers need to find new ways to deal with new problems. Engineers have the wonderful opportunity and huge responsibility of imagining ways in which the world could be different and then creating ways to make that happen. That is the most important part of creativity and it encourages engineers to do great things. For example, engineering innovations have greatly improved healthcare over the years. From data analysis to efficient software systems, to surgery machines, to providing treatment tracking and recommendations, engineering truly saves lives daily.
## paraphrase的第二种方法调整句子结构
> The third myth seems easy to understand if engineers were creative, wouldnt they have decided to be artists, writers, or entered professions like paintings or sculpture? Wrong!
这句话是英语里面非常典型的rhetorical question。作者提出一个问题显然不是为了寻求对方的回答而是通过自问自答的方式表达自己的一个观点。这是一种修辞手段有点类似于中文的反问句。在改写时我们可以去掉这些花里胡哨的修辞手段直白地把作者的观点陈述出来。
The third myth seems easy to understand engineers would have chosen to be artists, writers, or entered professions like paintings or sculpture if they were creative. Wrong!
> The essence of creativity is to create! Engineers create products, services, and processes that affect people every day.
The essence of creativity is to create! Engineers create products, services, and processes. These creations affect people every day.
> Whether your effort was spent to create consumer applications, devices, or machines, the final result of engineering work is used by other people.
People benefit from the result of software or hardware engineering work.
> If engineers prevented their creativity from developing, they would not have a clear understanding of ways to solve problems than they otherwise would.
Engineers can have a clear understanding of ways to solve problems only if they let their creativity develop.
> Every day, engineers need to find new ways to deal with new problems. Engineers have the wonderful opportunity and huge responsibility of imagining ways in which the world could be different and then creating ways to make that happen.
这两句话中第一句已经很直白不用再改了。第二句话的主干是“工程师们有很好的机会和很大的责任”来干什么呢原句后面跟了后置定语of imaging…and then creating来修饰“机会和责任”而且在imagining ways后面又跟了下一级的定语从句来修饰ways我们可以把后置定语里的介词加动名词变成不定式to do把从句变成形容词different使句子变得更加直白简单。
Every day, engineers need to find new ways to deal with new problems. Engineers have the wonderful opportunity and huge responsibility to imagine and build a different world.
> That is the most important part of creativity, and it encourages engineers to do great things. For example, engineering innovations have greatly improved healthcare over the years. From data analysis to efficient software systems, to surgery machines, to providing treatment tracking and recommendations, engineering truly saves lives daily.
前两句已经都是简单句了就不再改了。最后一句的主句原文中放在了最后我们可以把它提到最前面来然后用through ABCD的简单结构替换from A to B to C to D的结构。在paraphrase过程中如果是作者原文里列举的ABCD一般不要概括也不用更改。
That is the most important part of creativity and it encourages engineers to do great things. For example, engineering innovations have greatly improved healthcare over the years. Engineering truly saves lives daily with data analysis, efficient software systems, surgery machines, and providing treatment tracking and recommendations.
The third myth seems easy to understand engineers would have chosen to be artists, writers, or entered professions like paintings or sculpture if they were creative. Wrong! The essence of creativity is to create! Engineers create products, services, and processes. These creations affect people every day. People benefit from the result of software or hardware engineering work. Engineers can have a clear understanding of ways to solve problems only if they let their creativity develop.
Every day, engineers need to find new ways to deal with new problems. Engineers have the wonderful opportunity and huge responsibility to imagine and build a different world. That is the most important part of creativity, and it encourages engineers to do great things. For example, engineering innovations have greatly improved healthcare over the years. Engineering truly saves lives daily through data analysis, efficient software systems, surgery machines, and providing treatment tracking and recommendations.
## paraphrase的局限性
## 小结
## 课后作业