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# 06小心那些平淡无奇、人畜无害的简单小词
## 课前朗读
今天我们继续来阅读[The Product-Minded Software Engineer](这篇文章,我来带你精讲文章的第六段。
> 6. Pragmatic handling of edge cases
> Edge cases are a funny thing. On one extreme, engineers often forget about many of these, having to come back to addressing them, after getting feedback from people testing the product or end users. On the other hand, handling all possible edge cases in a new product or feature can take a lot of time.
> Product-minded engineers quickly map out edge cases and think of ways to reduce work on them: often bringing solutions that require no engineering work. They are focused on the “minimum lovable product concept” and evaluate the impact of an edge case and the effort of handling it. They come with good middle-ground suggestions: mapping out most things that can go wrong and bring suggestions on what edge cases need to be addressed, before shipping even an early version.
> For example, if one in a thousand users might be hit by an error, they will consider the effort to fix it and think about what happens if they dont do anything. Can customer support help the person in this case, during validation? Can the user just retry and succeed the next time? Can the product be slightly modified, so this edge case wont occur?
> 6.以务实的方式处理边缘案例
> 边缘案例是一件很有意思的事情。有的工程师经常会忘记边缘案例的存在,最后从产品测试人员或最终用户那里得到反馈之后,才不得不回过头来解决这些问题。这是一个极端,而另一方面,如果在一个新产品或功能中试图处理所有可能的边缘情况,则可能会耗费大量的时间。
> 具有产品意识的工程师会很快制定出关于边缘案例的计划,并思考如何减少工作量,并经常会找到不需要额外工作量的解决方案。他们专注于“最小可爱产品”的概念,评估边缘案例的影响和处理所需的工作量。他们会提供很好的折衷建议: 在发布早期版本之前,列出大多数可能出错的地方,并提出需要解决哪些边缘案例的建议。
> 例如,对于一个千分之一的用户可能会遇到的错误,他们会考虑修复这一错误涉及的工作量,以及如果什么都不做会发生的后果。在产品验证过程中,客服专员是否可以在这个案例中帮助用户?用户下一次再遇到同样问题可以自己尝试成功解决吗?对产品进行略微调整,是否就可以避免边缘案例?
## 知识讲解
### 1.edge case
我们先来看标题中的关键词edge case。维基百科对这个词的定义是**Edge case** occurs at an extreme (maximum or minimum) operating parameter.
edge case较为常见的译法为“边缘案例”指“一个运行参数或条件为极值最大值或最小值的情况”。类似的我们来看下corner case这个词。
**Corner case** occurs outside of normal operating parameters, specifically when multiple environmental variables or conditions are simultaneously at extreme levels, even though each parameter is within the specified range for that parameter.
Boundary case occurs when one of inputs is at or just beyond maximum or minimum limits.
还有一个词boundary case我们也叫“边界案例”或者“边界条件”也是指系统输入刚好在上下限或是恰好超过上下限一点点的状态。不过我不是软件工程方面的专家从字面上看不出边界案例和边缘案例有什么区别。你如果知道的话可以在留言区告诉我。
### 2.pragmatic
小标题中的另一个关键词是pragmatic。它既可以强调“一种务实的态度”A pragmatic way of dealing with something is based on practical considerations, rather than theoretical ones.也可以用来说“一个人非常务实”A pragmatic person deals with things in a practical way.)。
傅高义教授Ezra F. Vogel是哈佛大学教授、费正清东亚研究中心前主任。在其著作《邓小平时代》中他一直用pragmatic这个词来形容邓小平。媒体也经常称邓小平为“伟大的务实主义者The great pragmatist”。
例句Incorporating both risk-based and customer-based analysis into your solution will yield a more pragmatic test plan.
### 3.funny
> Edge cases are a **funny** thing.
A: Sorry Im late. My car broke down half way here.
B: Oh, very funny. Tell me another!
例句Its not funny! Someone could have been hurt.
例句If there has been any funny business, well soon find out.
例句My computer keeps going funny.
例如要想夸别人很风趣我们一般不说“You are so funny.”或者“You are a funny guy.”容易让人误会你在说他“逗比”“二货”之类。而常用的是“You are so much fun”。
* Could we consider some other options能否考虑其他方案你的方案是狗屎
* It was a bit disappointing that…我感到有些失望……你们XXX干的叫什么事
* Oh, by the way…顺便提一句……下面要说的可能是谈话里最重要的一件事……
* It is quite good. 还行吧。(不咋地。)
* It is not bad. 不坏。(真心不错,但不要骄傲。)
* With all due/the greatest respect…恕我冒昧恕我直言……后面跟的话就是要骂人了。
* I hear what you say…你的意见我听到了……你给我闭嘴吧
* It is a very brave proposal. 这真是个勇敢的提议。(我看这个愣头青大概是疯了吧!)
* I almost agree…我基本同意同意个鬼基本不同意。
### 4.现在分词短语(做状语和主语)
> On one extreme, engineers often forget about many of these, **having to come back to addressing them, after getting feedback from people testing the product or end users.** On the other hand, **handling all possible edge cases in a new product or feature** can take a lot of time.
第一个极端有的工程师经常健忘。结果怎么样呢having to come back to addressing them现在分词做状语表示结果结果不得不回过头来解决这些问题。什么时候发生的事情呢after getting feedback from people testing the product or end users 还是现在分词做状语,表示时间,从产品测试人员或最终用户那里得到反馈之后。
另外一个极端handling all possible edge cases in a new product or feature can take a lot of time。从handling这个现在分词开始一直到feature这整个短语都是句子的主语表示在一个新产品或功能中试图处理所有可能的边缘情况can take情态动词加上实义动词做谓语可能会耗费大量的时间。
### out
> Product-minded engineers quickly **map out** edge cases and think of ways to reduce work on them: often bringing solutions that require no engineering work.
map out是“计划、规划、提前安排”的意思。例如map out the future的意思是“筹划未来”。它的英文解释是If you map out something that you are intending to do, you work out in detail how you will do it.
例句With the whole IT picture in hand, we can map out how the information flows from start to finish.
例句It is important to map out the big picture first so that we can systematically identify user requirements.
### 6.focus和focused
> They are **focused** on the “**minimum lovable product** concept” and evaluate the impact of an edge case and the effort of handling it.
例句I am exhausted, and just cant focus on the work anymore.
例句I think it is time you woke up and focused your thoughts on more worldly matters.
例句Every eye at the conference was focused on the rostrum.
例句Focused light rays can set something afire.
例句I spent the next year just wandering. I wasnt focused.
由上面这些例句我们可以看出本段中的They are focused on the “minimum lovable product concept”改为They focus on the “minimum lovable product concept”其实会更好一点直接用focus做They这个主语即程序员们的谓语动词。当然如果非要说They are focused onfocused做形容词意思也勉强说得通不能算错。
### 7.minimum lovable product
MVP指的是Minimum Viable Product按照字面含义可以直译为“**最小可行产品**”。这种产品只包含最简单的基本核心功能。
而MLP指的是Minimum Lovable Product可以直译为“**最小可爱产品**”。这个翻译听上去有点奇怪,不像中文惯常的表达。你也可以根据自己的理解,提出好的建议,例如最小有爱产品、最小点赞产品之类的。
这两者之间的本质区别究竟在哪里几年前我在Medium.com上面看到过一篇文章是快乐创业学校的联合创始人Laurence McCahill写的。在文章里他提供了两个定义
**MVP** is the version of a new product that brings back the maximum amount of **validated learning** about your **customers** with the least effort. (强调以最小的努力换回最大数量的**经过验证的客户反馈数据**;目标在于了解用户体验。)
**MLP** is the version of a new product that brings back the maximum amount of **love** from your early tribe members with the least effort. (强调以最小的努力换回最大数量的**首批部落成员的爱**;目标在于直接开始圈粉。)
### 8.middle ground
> They come with good **middle-ground** suggestions: mapping out most things that can go wrong and **bring bringing** suggestions on what edge cases need to be addressed, before shipping even an early version.
顾名思义middle ground的意思是“中间地带”表示“折中、妥协之后的立场、观点、决定、协议”等等。字典里的解释是a set of opinions, decisions, etc. that two or more groups who oppose each other can agree on; a position that is not extreme.
例句More and more in this age of social media, it seems like people of differing views are unwilling to attempt to find a middle ground.
## 小结
## 课后作业
今天我们讲到了Laurence McCahill写的这篇关于MVP和MLP的文章[How to Build a Minimum Loveable Product](,推荐你课下花时间来读一读。